Front Cogs/Gears


New Member
Aug 10, 2010
Hi Guys,

I have recently purchased a 18 gear cylcing bike and i am wondering which front cog is better to use.

I have 2 cogs at the front and 7/8 at the back. can anyone explain how these should be used.

My main aim with the help of cycling is to bulid my legs up however i cannot work out which one to use. i find the smaller cog is a lot easier however it feels like i'm not pedalling. whereas the larger cog is more difficult however i can go a lot faster.

any help would be appreciated.

It's not so much a case of which is better as which is more appropriate. The idea of gears is to make the journey more mechanically efficient. Push too big a gear and you'll over do things and end up with sore thighs and not do your knees any favours. Too small a gear and you'll thrash your legs around like an octopus in a washing machine get nowhere fast and very out of breath.

As a beginner?, just put it in the cog which you feel most comfortable that suits the terrain & your current fitness levels. Just keep playing with the gears.

Don't worry about it, you'll work it out.