FS: New issue of "Out Your Backdoor"---with HPV stories

I finally have the new issue of "Out Your Backdoor" in the house.

It's my first full-color cover issue. 82 huge pages of diverse outdoor
culture media.

This is an independent mag---no formula nowhere except to celebrate a
wide range of coolness in the homegrown, do-it-yourself adventure and
culture scene.

I don't publish all that often but rave reviews for 10 years probably
can't be wrong.

Too much formula and commercialism in your current mags? Try OYB for
something completely different.

Visit OutYourBackdoor.com to see what it's all about.

(The direct link to the Issue Info page---with Table of Contents---is:
http://outyourbackdoor.com/art icle.php?id=414.)

I've sent out a couple bulk mailings already and hope to get it into a
few hundred shops nationwide in short order.

It's $3 postpaid via PayPal. Probably the cheapest mag out there. With
the most original articles. It also lists dozens of hard-to-find media
and products in the indy culture and outdoor scenes, in 5 main topical
areas: outdoors, literary, self-development, music and gift-items.