Good news for Discovery.


New Member
Aug 30, 2006
Christian Pfannberger and his Elk-Haus team won't be allowed to start the Deutschland tour, because they didn't sign the ethical charter.

This is good news for Danielson and Discovery as it will save them from further embarrassment.
azdroptop said:
Why are they embarrassed?
Disco Danielson got his ass whipped by the lad Pfannberger in the tour of austria, even thought Pfann had to leg it into the woods and take a dump, he came back and still overhauled little 'Tommy D' to win the stage.
I agree TD isn't going to cut it, but don't worry, DC has Leipheimer trying to win the Tour of Germany (again)! :) :) :)
musette said:
I agree TD isn't going to cut it, but don't worry, DC has Leipheimer trying to win the Tour of Germany (again)! :) :) :)
According to a PDF document on the homepage of Deutschland Tour, Leipheimer is not starting. He would definately have been a favourite, though. Danielson has number 31, but that might just be because he's first in the alphabet.

Looking at the startlist, I think the GC favourites are (in random order) Andy Schleck, Cunego, Kohl, Piepoli...

Another thing from the startlist, is that Ardila is team leader of Rabobank. Which is surprising to me, since he's been a huge letdown. Gesink might spring a surprise.

Kreuziger will also be interesting to watch. I think he will lose to much time up to the glacier, to be able to make up for it in the TT, but who knows. Top 15 in GC, I say.
LaarsX said:
Disco Danielson got his ass whipped by the lad Pfannberger in the tour of austria, even thought Pfann had to leg it into the woods and take a dump, he came back and still overhauled little 'Tommy D' to win the stage.
Ta-roo, but who won the overall?

I think the overall is of much greater value than a stage win.
JRMDC said:
Ta-roo, but who won the overall?

I think the overall is of much greater value than a stage win.
When your whole rep is built upon being a "super" climber, so much so that you sell coffee with the names of climbs, then getting your ass whooped by a guy with diarrhea does not look too good--no matter what you do in the rest of the race.
jonjungel said:
Looking at the startlist, I think the GC favourites are (in random order) Andy Schleck, Cunego, Kohl, Piepoli...
I don't think that Piepoli is going to survive the ITT too well.

Kohl got his butt wiped by Danielson in that same Tour of Austria where everyone is claiming there was no competition. And Bro Deal's daddy wipped Kohl as well after giving birth to Bro. Cunego and Schleck will probably do well. Voigt will probably take a shot at repeating. A good TTT should set up the CSC boys. Seems to me that Disco is pretty weak after Tommy D and Hincappie. They could loose significant time in the TTT.
Bro Deal said:
When your whole rep is built upon being a "super" climber, so much so that you sell coffee with the names of climbs, then getting your ass whooped by a guy with diarrhea does not look too good--no matter what you do in the rest of the race.
I guess you are going to insist on being a moron no matter how many times I give you the facts. Tommy D cramped on that climb. Until he did, he was riding away from your dad. Even your dad admits as much.
saluki said:
I guess you are going to insist on being a moron no matter how many times I give you the facts. Tommy D cramped on that climb. Until he did, he was riding away from your dad. Even your dad admits as much.
Yeah, sure he was. Sounds like the old pretend you are cramping ploy to excuse the fact that you are sucking. Unlike Tommy D., Pfannberger really was sick. :p

Don't worry. With Tommy D.'s vast experience in the coffee business, I'm sure he can get a job at Starbux.
Bro Deal said:
Unlike Tommy D., Pfannberger really was sick.
And you are the irrefutable evidence.

Don't worry. With Tommy D.'s vast experience in the coffee business, I'm sure he can get a job at Starbux.
So let's see, you predicted that he would be on a pro continental team next year. Wanna put some money on that?
saluki said:
So let's see, you predicted that he would be on a pro continental team next year. Wanna put some money on that?
You're right. Starbux is a little ambitous. Maybe he should set his sights on 7-11. He'll probably end up riding a ho like you.
Since this thread is somewhat about Tour of Germany....

Will any other TV-stations than ARD do live coverage?
Here's how I know Levi will ride Germany. First, Levi wants to cover his bases if he doesn't want to be second fiddle to AC in the event he were to stay at DC (under hopefully new sponsor name) next year. Second, and more crucially, Bruyneel will want Levi to try and win the Tour of Germany to increase results as the team tries to find a new sponsor. :)
musette said:
Here's how I know Levi will ride Germany. First, Levi wants to cover his bases if he doesn't want to be second fiddle to AC in the event he were to stay at DC (under hopefully new sponsor name) next year. Second, and more crucially, Bruyneel will want Levi to try and win the Tour of Germany to increase results as the team tries to find a new sponsor. :)
Here's how I know Levi will ride Germany.... he's on the startlist.

saluki said:
There are several start lists. Some have him and some don't. doh.
nice try, but as we all know musette is a fervent reader ot thepaceline and the roster on the paceline states that Leipheimer is riding.

double doh.