Harpoon B2B Ride - Any Veterans?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2010
A search turned up empty. Has anyone previously ridden the point-to-point Harpoon Brewery to Brewery ride - Boston, MA to Windsor, VT?

Interested to learn more about peloton logistics and the ride in general.

Next ride scheduled for June 19, 2010
FInding more G2 on the event, but yet to "talk" with anyone who has ridden the event. Looks like a good one for anyone interested - 148 miles door to door, 7,000+ feet of climbing, 7 peloton categories (16-22+ mph in 1 mph increments), 25 riders per peloton start every 5 mins, ~800 rider limit..

This will be the 10th anniversary for the event.

One rider's view of the 2009 B2B:

About the B2B - Harpoon Brewery - Brewers of Harpoon IPA and UFO Hefeweizen
Well, won't be riding this year ... registration full within the first 10 min. :(
Yes..turned 50 started to ride and thought the B to B would be a good goal. Finished it but just barely....trained about 1500 miles (including trainer) but was not prepared for the hills. Returning this year and goal is to be strong enough at the finish to use all 3 free beer coupons.....
I have a pass for tomorrow (6/18/11) if anyone wants to ride! Have a stress fracture in my foot, bummed....let me know!

Would definitely take you up on it, but flying home all day tomorrow. I'll send note to friends.