Has anyone ever harassed you for wearing the cycling outfit?

artmichalek said:
Lots of good that plate number did too. If you hadn't brandished a firearm, you could have pressed charges for reckless endangerment and maybe actually gotten that moron off of the road. It was dumb luck he didn't just swerve into you with his truck. In most states flashing a gun gives that driver the legal right to respond with lethal force. As much time as you might spend at the range, most drivers are faster with a steering wheel than you are with a trigger. And a pickup truck doesn't really need to be aimed. But I guess if feeling like a big man is worth getting killed for...

It would have been his word against the other guys,as in, what gun, and I didn't even see a guy on a bike.
Next time he should locate the vehicle,take an old beater bike and slam it under the wheel of the truck,skin his elbows and knees a little and lay down in front of the vehicle and scream that some guy ran him down and didn't even stop to see if he was alive.
Witnesses will recount his damaged body laying there to the jury.
hd reynolds said:
I think you ought to read it again because you got a lot of things wrong.

1) I did not say I pointed the gun at him. I said I flashed (not point) my Glock.
2) Where in the post I said I challenged a motorist? Do you comprehend English?
3) The threat was there and he yelled he'll shoot me (and I was only coasting when he drove alongside me). I wanted for him to pass but he drove alongside continued yelling. When he didn’t pass even when I was already slowing down that’s the time I let him know I am armed.
4) I have a permit to carry my gun.
5) I know how to handle guns and I only fire them on the shooting range where I have a membership.
6) I carry for self defense coz I know 2 people, one of them is my bro, who had their mega-buck bikes snatched from them while riding.
7) And specially if I am riding alone out of city center I am armed to protect myself.

Next time don’t make any misinformed judgements and assumptions. Saves a lot of embarassment. And you talk about ambassadorship?

Why didn't you just shoot him? That's why you carry the gun isn't it?
The guys who are too fat ugly . Also people who don't understand sports. harrasses. But Most girls loves us.
They like seeing guys tight ass. They smile, Hawl. and gives me Phone numbers.
I go in to starbucks, Restaurants, and I'm gonna even try the mall..
Because I'm not interested in guys. I'm interested in FEMALES only~!!!!!
(My bikes are females as well) Therefore I really don't care about guys comments about us.. If I ever get a chance , I will take them for 15 rounds of Kick boxing and Kick their ass slowly and painfully.......><((("> sushioppa1 from Seattle WA
The only thing I've ever had is odd looks from people when I've been doing some mad off road stuff and I've caught the train to get there. I guess people arn't used to seeing a guy on a bike wearing a 661 Pressure Suit, Riccochet knee/shin guards and a full face helmet. I probably look like Robocop in amongst the suited businesspeople...
I have never had anyone make comments to me about my cycling clothes. Could possibly be because I'm over 6 foot tall, right around 200 pounds, and have a good deal of muscle mass. Football coach at my high school was actually begging me to play last year because of my size. A lot of the kids I go to school with also know that I've had 5 years of judo training and have dabbled in jiu-jitsu as well.
MMSR said:
The only thing I've ever had is odd looks from people when I've been doing some mad off road stuff and I've caught the train to get there. I guess people arn't used to seeing a guy on a bike wearing a 661 Pressure Suit, Riccochet knee/shin guards and a full face helmet. I probably look like Robocop in amongst the suited businesspeople...
I see a lot of "n00bs" doing the same thing...to get to a 7-11 though, lol. Tres lame!!
The only people who have ever poked fun at the outfit were co-workers with whom I was good friends. It was just part of the macho banta. Imagine my response to them when their favourite Aussie Rules Football heroes were seen to be wearing lycra in training. Out on the road I have never been harassed in 37 years of racing. I can only put it down to the fact that, when training, I am a lean 82kg (180lb) at only 173cm (5'8") tall. Who knows really, but I have to consider myself lucky on this one.
rickt said:
The only people who have ever poked fun at the outfit were co-workers with whom I was good friends. It was just part of the macho banta. Imagine my response to them when their favourite Aussie Rules Football heroes were seen to be wearing lycra in training. Out on the road I have never been harassed in 37 years of racing. I can only put it down to the fact that, when training, I am a lean 82kg (180lb) at only 173cm (5'8") tall. Who knows really, but I have to consider myself lucky on this one.
Yeah, I notice that too sometimes. The really lean guys seem to garner more respect from passer-bys... Especially when they are in the middle of a VO2 interval hehehe. That look of hard work is often mistaken for anger. You don't want to ******** an angry, fast cyclist I guess. hehe
Last night some teenagers sped past me in a car and tossed a full 32-oz. soda cup out the window at me... it missed me by a foot or so, but was still close enough to freak me out. Had they hit me, it probably would have sent me to the dirt (they were moving pretty fast).

Really ****** me off.

Saying something is one thing... tossing things out the window of a moving vehicle is another.
was7g said:
Last night some teenagers sped past me in a car and tossed a full 32-oz. soda cup out the window at me... it missed me by a foot or so, but was still close enough to freak me out. Had they hit me, it probably would have sent me to the dirt (they were moving pretty fast).

Really ****** me off.

Saying something is one thing... tossing things out the window of a moving vehicle is another.
Had something similiar about 3 weeks ago. Kids tossed a full Coke bottle out the window, hitting me square in the small of the back. Bad thing was, a PD sitting there (probably having his doughnut :p ) saw it, pulled out, pulled the kids over. He flagged me down as I passed by.

One kid looked halfway normal, but your typical teenage punk. The other had black and blonde dyed hair, top half black, bottom blonde. Aside from that, he was wearing tight jeans, and two metal studded belts. So, yeah I think you get the idea.

Cop told me I could file simple assault charges if I wished. I told him just to hold the kids in a cell while he contacted their parents. Both were under 18. Hopefully it will scare the sh*t out of them badly enough, they wont do it again.
My girlfriend harasses me all the time when I'm wearing the spandex.

It's all in good fun :)

I have started riding my bike to work, and I also have only female employees, so the first day I came out of the changing room in my roadie I had to endure the first "oh my god he's wearing spandex" Now though it's not to bad, I do have fun pointing out how cool all the colours are, and how nothing I wear clashes with my bike. I love bike riding, I love fashion, I love women.......

and never evr wear you light saber tucked into your cycling shorts.... it sends the wrong message
Only once or twice. I don't get recognized too often when I'm riding, so I don't hear about it. Once, though, someone saw my climbing and yelled "***!" and threw one of those travel salt-shakers at me.
O.K,...lets see. "Has anyone ever harassed me for wearing the cycling outfit?"

At my age (50) I dont really get harassed, so to speak. I get a lot of weird looks from people in my lycra shorts, but that's about it. Hell, I even think I look weird. My wife, and the girls at work think I look great, and I guess that's o.k, but for me it's all about ventilation and comfort. I commute to work every day, and ride about 3000 miles a year to improve my health. If I dont ride, my kids will damn sure get onto me about it. (i'm diabetic and had by-pass surgery 9 yrs ago) I guess the only time I have "a problem" with anyone while riding, is with young kids. (adolescent to young adult age) Those are the only ones that say anything, and always at a distance. Hell, they're just kids!....Punkass kids,.... but kids nonetheless. I usually just ride-on and ignore them. "No one" has ever tried to square off with me though, in 10,000 miles of riding, and I guess that's good.
Some of the guys I work with look at me funny, but they're pretty cool about it, seemingly more interested in my bike than anything. It's funny, but the girls are the exact opposite.

btw ~ my name's Don and I'm the new "kid on the block".
LS17 said:
I was at a light the other day waiting by the crosswalk for the crossing light to turn green and I saw some kids on the other side of the street yell out "you're gay" obviously making reference to my cycling shorts and tight cycling top. I didn't pay any attention to them but I'm wondering if this is a common occurence for cyclists?

I promised myself if anyone ever does that to me I'm going to invite them to a ride up a long climb, then we'll see who is gay.
My good friend and I went for a hill ride yesterday morning at 8AM. Towards the end of our ride we rode past a church sponsored "Free Car Wash." While passing one of the church patrons yelled at my friend, "Put on some clothes!" I then hear my friend tell the church goer, "Go f*** yourself."

Good times.
StartTday said:
My good friend and I went for a hill ride yesterday morning at 8AM. Towards the end of our ride we rode past a church sponsored "Free Car Wash." While passing one of the church patrons yelled at my friend, "Put on some clothes!" I then hear my friend tell the church goer, "Go f*** yourself."

Good times.

Must be one of them wacos.
My wife actually likes the shorts, but says it's over if I develop gigantic thighs. HaHaHa... I every now and then get the odd look from the passer-by, but never overt comments. I really dont care, and remind myself that the numbnuts probably get out of breath just opening a bag of potato chips. Did get a "hey, nice ass" from a pair of cute chicks stopped at a light once.