Hello, could you help me with my universisty project on bicycle safety?


New Member
Apr 14, 2007
Hello everybody! I am doing a project on safety on bicycles for my Open University course. Here I have two different questionnaires I would like you to complete. I would much appreciate it if you could spare a couple of minutes, it is for a good cause!
the questionnaires are: one for cyclists and one for motorists. If you cycle and drive and have time to complete both it would be great. Thank you!
the link for cyclists questionnaire is:
and the link for motorists questionnaire is:
No. Stuff ya.

Oh wait. Hang on. If I fill out your survey can we be friends? I'm running a little low on internet friends. I'm into riding bikes, hanging **** on Americans and exposing pretend Australians. I also like vegetable lasagna!

What are you into?