Help needed to find bike in Harlow - Essex



We are the leaders of a scout team from Bergamo, Italy. This summer
we're coming to UK to visit the World Jamboree site (an international
scout meetup) with some of our guys, and we're writing you because we
need a hand!!
We are 8 people (2 adults and 6 boys and girls, 14-15 years old) and
we're coming there from 2nd till 6th of August. We're getting there by
plane to Stansted airport and we're staying in Risden Park (Harlow),
hosted by the local scout group.
So how can you help us??
Our plan is to travel around by bike, because we think this is more in
the scout style" than catching a bus or a taxi! We're not tourists!
And that's the point... Carrying our bikes on the plane from Italy
would be really too expensive for a scout experience, so we'd like to
find some bikes there... our dream is to find someone who could LEND
us the BIKES for 3 or 4 days (obviously with a DEPOSIT!), maybe some
local boy scouts or their friends.. we know it's holiday time, so some
people might be using them, but we'd be really grateful if you could
help us in this research!!
If you have any suggestion, recommendation or guidance to give us
(also about who to ask to, a phone number or a mail address) we'd be
really grateful, any kind of help will be appreciated!
We know it's a demanding request, but we believe in international
Thank you a lot for your attention and availability, we hope to hear
from you soon! And maybe see you in UK..


Diego and Cecilia, Bergamo 3° Scout Group, Unit Anteros
[email protected]; [email protected]

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