How Often Do You Get Flats???


New Member
Aug 13, 2005
Maybe its my bad luck, but I've had 2 flats in the last 1 1/2 weeks. Just wondering how often people get flats.
I got two flats in one day, then I was good for 3500 miles more or less.

Then I got a screw that went through the rim.

so every 1000 miles or so
yeroc602 said:
lucky. I guess there isnt really anyway to prevent flats huh?

Try putting tuff strips in your tires. They are worth the small amount of weight they add. Trust me.
yeroc602 said:
do they go around the entire tire??

Yes they do go around the entire tire. between the tube and the tire actually. It's a thin piece of plastic that will stop most punctures.
I have had great succuss with them.
yeroc602 said:
Maybe its my bad luck, but I've had 2 flats in the last 1 1/2 weeks. Just wondering how often people get flats.
I sometimes go months without a flat, and then I get two in one ride. I did that a couple weeks ago on a commuting ride and since all I'd brought was a spare tube and no tube repair kit I ended up having to walk 6 or 7 miles home in my cycling shoes. I now have the tube repair kit in my saddlebag but I haven't got a flat since then... knock on wood.
More often than I'd like, and since I am a commuter, that's fairly often. I do
recomment the "tuff strips" or tube protectors. I have not found a pattern to my
flats, I do think that with the disappearance of European and U.S. made (I live in the U.S.A.) bicycles tubes and tires, the ones now available are simply not as good quality and as durable.
just whenever I don't want one - when I am late, when its getting dark, when its looking like rain, when its cold

or at least, that's how it seems
yeroc602 said:
Maybe its my bad luck, but I've had 2 flats in the last 1 1/2 weeks. Just wondering how often people get flats.
when your tire wears out
Used to get flats every other week using Vittorio rubino tires switched to bontrager super lites and haven't had one in 1500 miles
yeroc602 said:
Maybe its my bad luck, but I've had 2 flats in the last 1 1/2 weeks. Just wondering how often people get flats.
You jinxed me! When I saw this thread the other day, I thought, "Gee, I haven't had a flat in a while." So of course I had one on my ride this morning. :rolleyes:

And since mine seem to come in bunches, I guess I should go stock up on spare tubes! ;)
wineandkeyz said:
You jinxed me! When I saw this thread the other day, I thought, "Gee, I haven't had a flat in a while." So of course I had one on my ride this morning. :rolleyes:

And since mine seem to come in bunches, I guess I should go stock up on spare tubes! ;)
It looks like I spoke too soon as well. I was on the way back from a long ride yesterday and had my rear tire go down just as I was getting back into the city. Fortunately I was right outside of a bike shop. They pumped it up for me and I sprinted the last two miles to my apartment.
yeroc602 said:
Maybe its my bad luck, but I've had 2 flats in the last 1 1/2 weeks. Just wondering how often people get flats.

In the 3 plus years that I've been back in the saddle, doing a couple thousand miles a season, I've had three flats. Two were my stupidity, and the third was karma.

I tried to pump up a soft tire on a ride with my tiny hand pump, and wiggled the stem too much and tore it from the tube. Put in my spare tube (I always carry a tube, not just a patch), and proceeded to do the same thing. I replaced the pump with one with a little hose attachment.

The third came after I called a friend at DOT to complain about the glass strewn all over a bridge sidewalk I need to use to commute. He got his guys out and they swept it so clean you could eat off it. Next time I rode over it, I found the absolute last sliver of glass on the bridge, not even as big as a rose thorn, and it sliced right through my new $35 tire. I probably deserved that one.
go for months and months and months with no flats then all of a sudden a string of 2 or 3 or 4...

and yes i do rotate tires and replace with new at regular intervals.

there is just no telling...
and today i thought for sure i would flat as the bike trail between Eagle River and Anchorage was overrun with debris from a recent mowing. not grass on the trail, but all kinds of branches, leaves, small trees, very small rocks...

luckily no flats.

i ride with a mini frame pump & carry a seat pack filled with tools, spares, clif bar, emergency info (living will, e.g.), condoms (kidding of course), etc. (smaller version of Slim Pickens' rations pack in Dr. Strangelove)
i dont give a rat's a** if a seat pack is not cool in some circles. i am riding for the fitness of it, not racing.

watch out for construction areas. when i rode the beach road from panama city beach to seaside/truman show-ville with my brother-in-law we flatted so many times we ran out of tubes and patches. went from carrying one spare each to 2 or 3 spares each on these rides. oy vey!