How to get fit?


New Member
Aug 15, 2013
Hi all,

I have a condition called Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome which means my heart rate goes up by 30 beats when I stand due to gravity and my body doesnt adjust as well as a normal person.

A way to get better is to do exercise and get fit, I've been cycling for 40mins and get my heart rate to 150bpm,

Can anyone advise on what is best to get fitter? I want to get up to an hour and longer and increase my heart strength.

Im 22.

In general, to increase fitness you need to make activity a part of your lifestyle - the norm, instead of an exception. Get a day or two of high intensity exercise in each week, the other days be active, burn calories but don't burn yourself out.

To stay motivated and dedicated to a change, you need to enjoy what you are doing.

To become a better cyclist, spend more days on the bike than off. That means shoot for 4 or 5 days a week of riding. Mix up the rides so it doesn't get monotonous.

For your age, 150 does not sound like a high peak heart rate; but as an average for a sustained effort, it is probably a good intensity to develop aerobic capacity. Due to you condition, you may want to discuss your training plans and heart rate zones with your physician.