I knew there was a reason...

[email protected] wrote:
> wafflycat wrote:

>>> http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30200-1307359,00.html

> Ouch indeed. Can't help feeling, though that "a reaction between
> friction as he cycled, sweat and the material of his trousers" is
> somewhat less likely as a cause than a lit cigarette end from a passing
> driver.

I would have thought that the friction between his trousers and a fast
moving tyre or brake could be enough to set fire to the wrong trousers.
On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 22:41:48 +0000, [email protected] wrote:

>Ouch indeed. Can't help feeling, though that "a reaction between
>friction as he cycled, sweat and the material of his trousers" is
>somewhat less likely as a cause than a lit cigarette end from a passing

my thoughts exactly, although being polish - his sweat may contain a
large percentage of vodka ... but still