I shouldn't help Mouse-A-Lot



He doesn't seem to understand that going over rocks is actually easy.

You point the nose forward and don't allow the bike to be controlled by
the trail by being knocked off your line, and you don't brake and you
keep both arms loose - your elbows are jelly and you simulate water.

Simply pick a line and attack it, but this is too much for Ridey and
his tutors.

And I sure as hell shouldn't be helping the puppeted soul. But I can't
believe how retarded sissy man is.
> He doesn't seem to understand that going over rocks is actually easy.
> You point the nose forward and don't allow the bike to be controlled by
> the trail by being knocked off your line, and you don't brake and you
> keep both arms loose - your elbows are jelly and you simulate water.
> Simply pick a line and attack it, but this is too much for Ridey and
> his tutors.
> And I sure as hell shouldn't be helping the puppeted soul. But I can't
> believe how retarded sissy man is. Your so right but some can't take the rock garden.