IMPORTANT: Mailing Unicon 12 packages


Jack Halpern

(SORRY if you're gettiung this twice -- mailer troubles)

Hi all (es@. Andy Cotter),

The JUA is interested in sending out (snailmail), as soon
as possible, Unicon 12 packages (including touring
pamphlets) to the principal unicyclists, club leaders and
country representatives for further distribution within
thir region club etc.

Some of the JUA leaders are perhaps old-fashioned, and
don't trust the Internet as the all-mighty means of
communications, and I agree that many unicyclists cannot
be reached via the Internet (Spain missed a couple of
Unicons exactly because paper packages were not sent to
them). They are concerend about the rather low number of
potential particiapnts at this point, and want to ensure
that we fill the dorms and Olympic facilities, which are
very expensive to rent.

I would appreciate it if anyone can help by sending me lists
of names and addresses. My large but old unicyclists
database I have made years ago is hopelessly out of date
(Andy, you should have it) and too large. Andy, I assume you
have the best data for the US, but we need other countries
too. I will take care of Brazil, Israel, China and of course
Japan directly.

I would appreciate your help in this regard as soon as

Stay on top, Jack Halpern Executive Director for
International Development International Unicycling
Federation, Inc. Website:
I sent Jack mailing addresses for Bruce Clifton, Dan Wilson,
and a few other people I know who are connected to lots of
other unicyclists, that aren't connected to this forum.

If you know people who might be interested in UNICON XII, or
who are connected to lots of other unicyclists, please send
their addresses to Jack. They will not be snailmail-spammed.
Jack Halpern is the guy who thought up the IUF, and he's
still trying to find people to share in the fun!

johnfoss - IUF Director

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at ""

"I ain't goin' to no mall." — my nephew Austin Miller, on being invited
to join his sister and mom at the mall on Saturday Dec. 13

johnfoss's Profile:
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