Ironman training and lack of time

I have a large family and work at a full time job. From April through
October I commute to work (~30k per day) and am fortunate to have a gym
facility in my building where I can do weights. However, I find that
it difficult to fit training in during the winter months (Alberta).
Can some of you share tips on what you do to fit training (doing IMC
2007) into a busy schedule?


Good luck Mike. I face the same issues but let me assure you IM can be
done with the right training even at significantly reduced volumes. I
averaged 8 hours/week before last years and only 9/week this year. You
can do it. Keep the faith!

I'm in Wisconsin. During the winter months I ride a CompuTrainer, it's
not quite as boring as a traditional cycling trainer.

I run during the winter, but avoid running when temps are below zero F
or maybe minus 20 C.

Fortunately my health club has a lap swim pool, and a masters program.

Also, I echo the other answer. Most of the year, I average 6-8 hours
per week of training. During the 1-2 months of training, I will get up
to 10-11 hours per week, peak of about 16 hours.