Jim and Carla Yesterday



"Paladin" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Well, it's hard to see these guys go. They really fit in here, and I hope
> they come back. Here's a shot of where I took them up yesterday. The big
> difference was it was about 40deg warmer yesterday than when this shot was
> taken:
> http://gallery.consumerreview.com/webcrossing/images/ColdSS000.jpg
> The major hoot *down* is here: (I don't think there are pictures:)
> http://content.mtbr.com/pscTrails/U...ho/,Lower,Hulls,Gulch/PRD_167735_4544crx.aspx
> So there you go.
> paladin

An excellent SS trail. Weather was nice and cool. Too bad we didn't bring our SS's.

- CA-G

Can-Am Girls Kick Ass!