Kid's 24" hybrid, non-mountain bikes, where to buy in the U.S.?

landotter wrote:

> Add $25 for duty charges as well. So about $300 when all is said and
> done, pretty expensive for a kid's 7 speed bike.

When you go to the total, there is no duty (or it's included). So the
total would be $286 for the 21 speed and $269 for the 7 speed. I
reversed the two prices above.

> For that kinda
> cabbage, I'd actually buy one of those GMCs and see if I could make it
> more kid friendly, or even return it if the quality truly was
> appalling. It's not like the Miele is specced any nicer by the looks
> of things. I'd probably swap out the bar on the GMC for something more
> kid friendly, or add cross extensions. I'm wondering if those twist
> shifters would work on a flat bar or some moustache bars...Pricing it
> up, you could go flat bar with Tourney shifters, a basic bar, and some
> cheapie levers for $30ish extra.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. I think that those shifters would
work on a flat bar just fine. I think for $200-225 you could turn the
Denali into something decent.

I also think that maybe a step-through frame 13.5" hybrid bike would be
retrofittable by reversing the stem, and maybe by getting rid of the
suspension seat post so the seat could go lower.