Knee pain...again!


New Member
Mar 8, 2003
I've been cycling for about 6 years now and I'm no stranger to the physio's couch.

Over the summer I was cycling long distances - over 200 miles a week. However, as the winter months closed in, I reduced the mileage and started going to the gym instead. So the emphasis was more on weights than cardio.

Anyway, after a few weeks of weights, I then went out for a long ride. At the end of it I felt a lot of pain in my right knee. A few hours after the ride there was a lot of swelling and it was quite painful. I applied ice packs etc to it and I managed to reduce the swelling though quite a lot of pain remained.

I've massaged the effected area and it feels like there is some sort of tissue that is loose and inflamed that is causing the pain. Fortunately, I can still cycle at a slower pace with a knee support but I know that if I go for it, the problem will be exacerbated.

The specific problem area is to the inside left lower side of the patella on my right knee - so to someone else looking at my knee head on, it would be to their right hand side.

When I massage the problem area, the inflamed tissue overlaps to the front and side of the patella.

So far I've massaged the area in the hope that it might be some scar tissue that needs to be broken up but now I'm not sure. I'm just wondering if it might some loose cartilege.

Anyway, I've got a physio appointment in a week but I'm just curious to know what the problem might be and if there is anything I could do.

The reason why I mentioned that I was doing weights is because I think I may have overstrengthened the muscle in relation to the knee joint, and the resultant flexing caused the damage - just a theory.