Legs die long before lungs?


New Member
Oct 20, 2004
I've been riding on the road for a few years and feel much more limited by leg strength (I think) than cardiovascular fitness. During races and triathlons my speed is definitely limited by my legs dying even though my heart rate is well below my anaerobic threshold. Any advice for some specific training I can do to work on this? Should I hit the weight room? Train hills?

Any suggestions are appreciated!

Can't say I 'm an expert but I'll throw in my .02

I guess you have high aerobic capacity but a low LT. You probably want to do a lot of tempo riding (~88% to 90 % of HRM) for extended stretches.

Muscle Tension intervals also helped me. I do them on the trainer, elevate the front tire, slam it into the highest tension possible, get out of the saddle and turn over the cranks at about 55 RPM; 5 min on, 5 off.