London Marathon - anyone interested in riding?



Hello all, my brother is competing in the London (UK) marathon on the
23rd, I'm going to get down there and ride to meet him at various
points around the course as he runs. I was wondering if anyone else
fancied the jaunt round london, I'm only on a 24" Muni so it's not
going to be that quick (unless anyone can lend me a coker). I've not
worked out the route yet but it will short cut significantly the
course, there's no way i can beat my brother over 26 miles on a 24"!
It's going to be a fairly early start as he's starting 45 minutes ahead
of the main pack, so if anyone's interested let me know!



- what a thoroughly post-modern subversion of the cycling genre -
kington99's Profile:
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kington99 wrote:
> Hello all, my brother is competing in the London (UK) marathon on the
> 23rd, I'm going to get down there and ride to meet him at various
> points around the course as he runs. I was wondering if anyone else
> fancied the jaunt round london, I'm only on a 24" Muni so it's not
> going to be that quick (unless anyone can lend me a coker). I've not
> worked out the route yet but it will short cut significantly the
> course, there's no way i can beat my brother over 26 miles on a 24"!
> It's going to be a fairly early start as he's starting 45 minutes ahead
> of the main pack, so if anyone's interested let me know!

Have you been in town on Marathon day before? Just that several million
people descending on London tends to make it a little crowded, it takes
about an hour to just get across Greenwich on foot, let alone to get
from one bit of the course to another. It really does get insanely
crowded anywhere near the course.

How comes he's starting before the main pack, is he a super fast person
or something?



my pics
joemarshall's Profile:
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No to be honest i havent been in town on marathon day, i was hoping to
cut across the back streets away from the course rather than ride along
it, and just come back close to the course at certain points. Im sure
the crowding will be an issue though, thanks for your advice. Yeah he's
never raced marathon before but he's in with the elite group, they
actually start in a different place to the rest so hopefully i'll be
able to get closer to him at the start.



- what a thoroughly post-modern subversion of the cycling genre -
kington99's Profile:
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Well, I have to say you were all wrong. The uni went on a bus, tube and
train just fine and it was easy to get through the crowds, although I
admit they may have been thinner because it was raining. However while
riding along the pavement this happened. Bugger. Luckily i had my muni
rucksack so i strapped it on and carried it for the rest of the day.

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- what a thoroughly post-modern subversion of the cycling genre -
kington99's Profile:
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Man that's cool that you got through the crowds and unicycled on!

But that's seriously uncool what happened to your rim. Just riding
along the pavement? Is that the sidewall coming off? How old is it?
Any chance of warranty getting you a replacement?

i see it's one of those dodgy kris holm rims so it's maybe not too
shocking that it failed.



'*_My_Gallery_*' (
-\"just eat less pies, and then the loads on your seatpost will be
less.\" - johnhimsworth
\"i am a girl\" - amanda.gallacher
\"you could help by not making it look so darn easy.\" - chrashing
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Yep, im sending the hub spokes and nipples to Roger at UDC and he has
offered to build a new wheel with them ASAP and free of charge and ship
it back to me, impecable customer service as always. I was riding on a
moderate hill, with the brakes on, and it just went with a bang and
threw me off. The rim peeled the way the others did around the groove.
The worst thing was that I was trying to get to the next section before
my brother so I had to run for over a mile with it on my shoulder to
beat him to it.

But the real point of all this is that my brother came 816th in 2:55:49



- what a thoroughly post-modern subversion of the cycling genre -
kington99's Profile:
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Good old Roger!

Bad old Kris Holm.

I would get it rebuilt with a different rim.

Thats a really good time for your brother tho!



'*_My_Gallery_*' (
-\"just eat less pies, and then the loads on your seatpost will be
less.\" - johnhimsworth
\"i am a girl\" - amanda.gallacher
\"you could help by not making it look so darn easy.\" - chrashing
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