Low heart rate


New Member
Apr 1, 2011
I'm 42 and cycle around 2-300Km per week, on my last three rides I have not been able to get my heart rate past 164, I normally reach 175-180bpm on most rides, I have also found it much more difficult to hang on with the group. At 164bpm i'm amazed as it feels like 175+, i feel ok. I'm just struggling to keep up and cant get my heart rate up. my normal weight is 95-98Kg, i've put on a bit lately and are around 104kg, i know it sounds like a lot, i'm very strong and can generally can stay in touch with A&B grade riders. has anyone got any suggestions, some of my mate have suggested fatigue, i cant see how i could be as i'm doing nothing abnormal.
When was the last time you took time off the bike? What does your riding schedule look like?
You are doing less than 200 miles a week. What are the A&B riders doing? I would think more. So they are getting stronger each day.

Your heart rate may be going down because it has gotten stronger. (On my 3 hour ride today I spent 1 hour at race pace or above (power) but my heart rate stayed below threshold.)
In 35+ plus years of competative cycling, something that worked well for me was to pay attention to my resting heart rate, usually taken while still in bed before getting up. I had a blood pressure machine that worked well for this. If my resting heart rate was elevated over 10% from the weekly average, I would do a ride at 65% MHR or less that day or not ride at all. Otherwise, I'd keep track of the decrease in resting heart rate as I got more fit.

Racing for me always boiled down to whether I was going to have a good day or not, and resting heart rate at the start of the day was a reliable indicator of whether I would be relegated to pack fodder or be competative that day.
