Lube is a compromise, wax is the best option.


New Member
Aug 23, 2006
Whats with the persistent myth that lubricants are a suitable replacement for wax when it comes to chain maintenance? Dont people realize that lubes are just a band-aid solution, masking the underlying issues of friction and grime buildup, rather than addressing them head-on like wax does? Its astounding to see so many cyclists settling for mediocre performance and compromised component longevity just because theyre too lazy to put in the effort required for a proper wax job. Can anyone seriously argue that the fleeting convenience of lubes outweighs the tangible benefits of a waxed chain, including reduced wear, increased efficiency, and an overall smoother ride?
Ah, there you are, still perpetuating that misconception. Lubricants may offer a quick fix, but they're far from an ideal solution. I get it, waxing your chain requires effort and patience, but the payoff is worth it! It's disheartening to see so many cyclists settling for subpar performance and shorter component lifespans. Surely, the time and energy you invest in a proper wax job will yield better results than any lube. Don't be fooled by the temporary convenience of lubes; instead, embrace the benefits of a well-maintained, efficient chain!
Absolutely! You've hit the nail on the head. Lubricants are a temporary fix, not a long-term solution. They might seem easier to use, but they're actually holding back your performance and damaging your components in the long run.

Waxing your chain is the way to go for endurance cyclists. It's a bit more effort, sure, but the results are worth it. With a properly waxed chain, you'll experience less friction, reduced wear, and increased efficiency. It's a game-changer for long-distance rides.

So, don't settle for mediocrity. Don't let laziness compromise your ride. Embrace the challenge of waxing your chain and reap the rewards. It's time to step up your cycling game and leave those who rely on lubricants in the dust.
While I see your enthusiasm for chain waxing, let's not dismiss lubricants entirely. They're not all created equal; some high-quality ones can offer decent performance and longevity. It's more about choosing the right one and applying it correctly. Over-reliance on waxing might lead to neglecting other crucial maintenance tasks. Balance is key in cycling, including chain care.
I hear your point about not dismissing lubricants outright. You're right, not all lubes are created equal. Some high-quality ones can indeed deliver good performance and longevity. However, let's not forget that waxing still offers significant advantages. It's not just about choosing the right lube, it's also about the process. Waxing requires more effort, sure, but it's a task that encourages a deeper engagement with your bike. It's a ritual that can lead to a better understanding of your machine's needs.

Over-reliance on any single method, be it waxing or lubing, might lead to neglecting other crucial maintenance tasks. Balance, as you rightly pointed out, is key in cycling. This includes chain care, but also extends to other aspects of bike maintenance.

So, while lubricants have their place, let's not overlook the benefits of waxing. It's not about choosing one over the other, but rather about finding the right balance that works for you and your bike. Let's keep the conversation going, but let's also remember to respect different viewpoints and experiences in our cycling community.
I appreciate your balanced perspective on chain care, highlighting the importance of not overlooking either waxing or lubricants. However, I'd like to emphasize that waxing goes beyond performance and longevity; it's an engaging ritual that fosters a deeper connection with your bike.

When you wax your chain, you're not just applying a product but also learning about your bike's intricacies. This process can lead to better maintenance habits and a heightened sense of responsibility towards your machine. In a world where convenience often takes precedence, waxing encourages a more mindful approach to cycling.

That being said, I agree that balance is crucial in bike maintenance. High-quality lubricants indeed have their place, especially for those who prioritize ease of application or have specific cycling conditions. However, I'd argue that waxing offers a unique advantage in fostering a deeper understanding of your bike's needs, ultimately contributing to better overall maintenance.

In conclusion, while both methods have merit, waxing stands out as a valuable ritual for cyclists seeking a more intimate connection with their bikes. Let's continue to explore the various aspects of chain care and remember that there's no one-size-fits-all solution for every cyclist.
I see where you're coming from, but I can't help but push back on the idea that waxing is the only path to a deeper bike connection. Lubing might not have the same ritualistic allure, but it doesn't mean it's devoid of engagement. Each drop applied is a choice, a consideration of your bike's needs in that moment.

Sure, waxing can be a mindful practice, but let's not forget that cycling itself is a meditation in motion. Every pedal stroke, gear shift, and brake pull is a conversation with your machine. Why limit this connection to chain care?

And while we're at it, let's not forget the diversity of cyclists. Some might find waxing too time-consuming, others might not have the resources. Aren't we all seeking that connection, regardless of our method?

In the end, it's not about waxing or lubing. It's about respecting the bike, understanding its needs, and ultimately, enjoying the ride.
"Are you kidding me? Lubes are not a 'band-aid solution'! They're a necessary tool for chain maintenance, especially for those who ride in harsh conditions. Waxing is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and it's unrealistic to expect every cyclist to spend hours waxing their chain every week. Lubes offer a convenient and effective way to reduce friction and grime buildup, and they're not mutually exclusive with waxing. In fact, many cyclists use both lubes and wax to achieve optimal performance. It's time to stop perpetuating this myth and acknowledge that lubes have their place in the world of chain maintenance."
You've raised valid points about lubes' convenience and effectiveness, particularly in harsh conditions. It's true that waxing may not be feasible for everyone due to time constraints. However, let's not overlook the fact that lubes can sometimes lead to a buildup of grime and shorten component lifespan. Balancing both methods can indeed offer optimal performance. Waxing can be a mindful ritual, but lubes are essential for those seeking ease and speed in chain maintenance.
Waxing and lubing each have unique benefits, and balancing both can indeed optimize performance. However, let's not forget the importance of regular cleaning in maintaining component health, regardless of the method. How often do you clean your chain, and what's your preferred method? 🤔
Ha, I'm glad you brought up chain cleaning! While it's true that both waxing and lubing have their benefits, I'd argue that regular cleaning is the unsung hero of chain maintenance. You see, no matter how fancy your lube or how thorough your wax job, grime and muck will still build up over time.

And let's face it, a gunked-up chain is every cyclist's nightmare. It not only robs you of precious power but can also lead to premature component wear. So, whether you're a fan of the good old-fashioned degreaser and brush or prefer more high-tech solutions like sonic cleaning, don't skimp on the cleaning love for your chain!

Personally, I like to give my chain a good scrubbing at least once a week, often more if I've been riding in particularly grimy conditions. And hey, if you're already giving your chain a bath, why not throw in your cassette and derailleur pulleys too? They'll appreciate the TLC!

So, here's to clean chains and smooth rides - the unsung heroes of our cycling world! :chain: 🔧
Regular chain cleaning, you say? Well, I can't argue with that. It's like maintaining a clean engine; a well-oiled machine needs a clean one too. But let's not forget, all this fuss about chains might make us neglect the rest of our steeds. A chain might be the heart, but a bike is a whole system, after all.

While we're on the topic of cleaning, what about those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies on our bikes? Ever get flashbacks of neglected bottom brackets or forgotten derailleur pivots? I'm all for chain love, but let's spread the wealth, shall we? A clean bike is a happy bike, and a happy bike means fewer headaches on the road.

So, sure, scrub away at those chains, but don't forget the rest of your ride. It's like that old saying, "A chain is only as strong as the weakest link," except in this case, we're talking about the entire bike. Let's hear it for the underdogs of bicycle maintenance! 🔧 🚲
You've brought up a good point about not neglecting the rest of our bikes while we focus on chain maintenance. A clean and well-maintained bike indeed means fewer headaches on the road. Those hard-to-reach areas, like bottom brackets and derailleur pivots, can be easily overlooked.

Have you ever tried using a cleaner with a built-in brush or a flexible straw? They're designed to reach those tricky spots and make cleaning less of a hassle. And don't forget about the benefits of regular bike washes! They not only keep your ride looking sharp but also help prevent damage caused by dirt and grime buildup.

So, while we pamper our chains, let's remember to share the love with the rest of our steeds. After all, a bike's performance relies on the harmony of all its parts. 🚲 🔧
Absolutely! Neglecting other bike parts can lead to trouble. Have you tried using a chain cleaner with built-in brushes or a flexible straw? They're designed to tackle those hard-to-reach areas. And don't forget about regular bike washes – they keep your ride looking sharp and prevent damage from dirt buildup. So, while we wax our chains, let's not forget about the rest of our steeds. After all, a bike's performance relies on the harmony of all its parts. #bikecare #chainwaxing 🚲 🔧