Mounting SRM power control on TT bars


New Member
Jul 26, 2003
I'm getting a SRM system for my tt bike and am wondering what kind of mounting kit I'll need to get the Powercontrol unit situated best. I currently have a power tap and mounting it on the stem was simple. I haven't seen a similar mounting solution for the powercontrol. Things are too compact on the bars to mount there, it'd have to be the stem or somewhere on/between the aero bar extentions.

Any suggestions?
lescor said:
I'm getting a SRM system for my tt bike and am wondering what kind of mounting kit I'll need to get the Powercontrol unit situated best. I currently have a power tap and mounting it on the stem was simple. I haven't seen a similar mounting solution for the powercontrol. Things are too compact on the bars to mount there, it'd have to be the stem or somewhere on/between the aero bar extentions.

Any suggestions?
I like the Profile computer mounts
Or velcro the powercontrol and bar
cheers pete
lescor said:
I'm getting a SRM system for my tt bike and am wondering what kind of mounting kit I'll need to get the Powercontrol unit situated best. I currently have a power tap and mounting it on the stem was simple. I haven't seen a similar mounting solution for the powercontrol. Things are too compact on the bars to mount there, it'd have to be the stem or somewhere on/between the aero bar extentions.

Any suggestions?
if your extenstions are about the width of the PC (as mine are), you could use two ty-raps to secure the unit. Wrap right around the extensions and the computer.
rmur17 said:
if your extenstions are about the width of the PC (as mine are), you could use two ty-raps to secure the unit. Wrap right around the extensions and the computer.
My english is not so good that I know what ty-raps are. Please explain.
lescor said:
I'm getting a SRM system for my tt bike and am wondering what kind of mounting kit I'll need to get the Powercontrol unit situated best. I currently have a power tap and mounting it on the stem was simple. I haven't seen a similar mounting solution for the powercontrol. Things are too compact on the bars to mount there, it'd have to be the stem or somewhere on/between the aero bar extentions.

Any suggestions?;post=676627;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;search_string=SRM%20mount;#1164581