
Aussie Steve said:
How much is 225lbs in kgs? OK my mobile (cell) phone has a converter... ahh 102 kgs. I'm, 78 kgs= 171 lbs.
Ah, you crazy rest-of-the-worlders with your cute little metric system... :cool:
Chavez said:
Ah, you crazy rest-of-the-worlders with your cute little metric system... :cool:
Almost everything in metrics is a multiple of 10. One kilometre is 1000 metres. And one litre of water weighs one kg. If you were a swimming pool manufacturer, would you rather work out the weight of a full pool using metric or imperial system? Think about it.
The system makes sense.
Aussie Steve said:
Almost everything in metrics is a multiple of 10. One kilometre is 1000 metres. And one litre of water weighs one kg. If you were a swimming pool manufacturer, would you rather work out the weight of a full pool using metric or imperial system? Think about it.
The system makes sense.
I was kidding; firstly, I know how the metric system works and secondly, it's about a thousand times (10 cubed, how about that?) more sensible than the imperial system. :cool:

I still don't know how many ****ing pints are in a gallon. :confused:

EDIT - a friendly rule of thumb if you see a post of mine - if there's the smallest chance I'm being a smartass, that's probably the correct interpretation.
Chavez said:
I was kidding; firstly, I know how the metric system works and secondly, it's about a thousand times (10 cubed, how about that?) more sensible than the imperial system. :cool:

I still don't know how many ****ing pints are in a gallon. :confused:

Fair enuff:p hey i reckon its 4 pints to the gallon ? hey in Oz you can still buy beer by the pint- i cant imagine asking a barman for 650 mls (or whatever) of Stella Artois !!:confused:
Aussie Steve said:
hey i reckon its 4 pints to the gallon ? hey in Oz you can still buy beer by the pint- i cant imagine asking a barman for 650 mls (or whatever) of Stella Artois !!:confused:
Unless Stella is drastically better due to some effect of the South Pole, I can't imagine asking for any quantity of it. ;)
I'm certain that a litre is just less than 2 pints.

I know this because I'm never able to get a whole second pint of Guinness into my water-bottle and have to drink the dregs before I set off on my return trip home. :D

Any tips for getting your boss to install a shower? I've been trying for months! :mad:
wheelist said:
I'm certain that a litre is just less than 2 pints.

I know this because I'm never able to get a whole second pint of Guinness into my water-bottle and have to drink the dregs before I set off on my return trip home. :D

Any tips for getting your boss to install a shower? I've been trying for months! :mad:
Just keep riding but don't do anything to freshen up after the ride in. Your co-workers will get a shower installed, or you'll be looking for a new place to work that has a shower:D.
FYI, there are eight pints in a gallon.

My favorite response to people that find amazement and/or insanity in my commuting by bicycle is this:

"It's simple; the more I ride, the more I hate driving."
bad day at work...gettin in elevator in basement in my funni lycra, one fat fella says "how far do you ride?" told him where, its 8kms (5 miles) he says "thats a long way !" Umm i felt like saying "unlike you, i see my toes every day you fat b@stard" but he is a drinking buddy and not at all annoying. But I did say "its not far enuff, tonite I'll do about 35 ks (cant be bothered to work out miles)"
I hate these stupid West Australians, they are like the most narrow minded red-necks you could imagine...
Aussie Steve said:
bad day at work...gettin in elevator in basement in my funni lycra, one fat fella says "how far do you ride?" told him where, its 8kms (5 miles) he says "thats a long way !" Umm i felt like saying "unlike you, i see my toes every day you fat b@stard" but he is a drinking buddy and not at all annoying. But I did say "its not far enuff, tonite I'll do about 35 ks (cant be bothered to work out miles)"
I hate these stupid West Australians, they are like the most narrow minded red-necks you could imagine...
Most people just don't ask any more how many k's I do after work or before work, or a week. Most now know I ride more than they drive.
parawolf said:
Most people just don't ask any more how many k's I do after work or before work, or a week. Most now know I ride more than they drive.
I used to live in Thornbury, on Harold St, years ago, also that very bumpy road that runs at right angles to that road with the tram on it...the one that goes past Fitzroys old home ground - Brunswick St !! i cant recall the name of the tram road but its George or something, and the bumpy rd was Arthurton Rd or sumthin similar...what suburb do you work in, how far do you ride?
I ride 8 k's in the morn as i cant wake up early but in the arvo me and 3 workmates do a 30K loop out and back so thats my workout...
Aussie Steve said:
bad day at work...gettin in elevator in basement in my funni lycra, one fat fella says "how far do you ride?" told him where, its 8kms (5 miles) he says "thats a long way !"
Yeah, that always cracks me up; my round-trip commute last year was 12-13 miles (can't be bothered to work out k)...I'd say I had a 4 mile ride home and people would go "whoa, that's FAR!" Never mind the fact that I was towing my daughter in the trailer....
Aussie Steve said:
I used to live in Thornbury, on Harold St, years ago, also that very bumpy road that runs at right angles to that road with the tram on it...the one that goes past Fitzroys old home ground - Brunswick St !! i cant recall the name of the tram road but its George or something, and the bumpy rd was Arthurton Rd or sumthin similar...what suburb do you work in, how far do you ride?
I ride 8 k's in the morn as i cant wake up early but in the arvo me and 3 workmates do a 30K loop out and back so thats my workout...
Yeah similar area. The road you are after is St Georges Rd.
Mate, I know exactly what you mean.

I ride to Brisbane city each day from the western suburbs. There isn't a day that goes by where someone doesn't take the **** out of the ride. It's 25km each way.

Just for laughs I tell them that I ride as a warm up for my real training.

One good thing around Brisbane is that there are a lot more cyclists commuting to work each day. The numbers have really picked up.

I must say it sucks when its raining. The Qld drivers are twice as bad in the wet.
I spent time in Brissy years ago, and I recall some awesome hills - because the river snakes thru the suburbs (carving out valleys over the years) One beauty is ***** St (yes) in Annerly- remember a train station at the bottom...that must be a nice walk home after a hard day at work...:eek: Your 25 kms commute would be same as a 50K ride on the flat...due to the hills ? hahaha:D
Aussie Steve said:
People - co-workers- who dont ride.
Comments like : "oh my god where do you live? that's too FAR !!"

Three miles now, and when I do ride (fair amount of stuff to carry - working on building a utility bike to overcome that) they still look at me funny. It used to be seven miles with a lot more hills, and it was a fun ride when the weather cooperated.

"What ? its not normal ?

Neither is not having a car loan to budget around these days. (We do have two cars, but both are paid for and we've decided we will never have another car loan even if that means we have to settle for beaters when these die.)

"why don't you drive your car to work ?"

Gas is $2.70 a gallon, and I burn as much starting the Blazer once as it would take to drive to work and back.

"Aren't you too old?"

I'm pretty sure that unwelcome comments on a person's age (and the implications of limited ability) are considered unlawful workplace harassment in the U.S.
One day I was riding home from work and waiting to turn left at a stop light. A young couple pulled up next to me in a car and the guy driving says: "I bet you wish you were in a car right now, huh?"

I just said: "Why? I've been sitting on my @$$ staring at a computer screen for the last 8 hours. I've been waiting ALL DAY for this!"
Aussie Steve said:
How much is 225lbs in kgs? OK my mobile (cell) phone has a converter... ahh 102 kgs. I'm, 78 kgs= 171 lbs...
I just weighed myself the other day, I thought I was about 72kgs but found out I was78 !!not happy, have to stay off the fried chicken...
LOL @ the fried chicken(I do miss it sometimes),I am5'9 and before I went vegetarian/starting running and cycling regularly I was 205lbs,10 months later I was 153 and even on the times I have taken a week or so off here and there for an injury or being sick I still stay the same weight.I know its not for everyone(well actually it is,but to each their own) but it has been the best decision I have made in terms of my health and fitness.