New Member Needs Advice


New Member
Aug 25, 2007
New Member, Needs Advice

I am a new forum member and am in need of advice. I think I want to make the switch to a recumbent bike. So with that said, here’s some info about me.

Sadly, I’m not a young guy anymore. I’m in my early 60’s but have been riding most of my life. Currently I have a Specialized bike, with carbon frame and Shimono 105 components. It's a bike that I really like, however, my comfort on road bikes is no longer what it used to be. This is probably due to age, hence my interest in recumbents.

I am generally riding about 80 miles per week but would like to increase this. My budget for a new recumbent cannot exceed $2,000, and less would be better.

So knowing that I must actually ride some recumbents, I am a complete neophyte and would very much appreciate any advice or recommendations you might be able to offer that would at least give me some basic knowledge, some brands or models to look for, and anything else you feel might be helpful.

Many thanks,

For starters Google "Recumbent bicycles" Don't know where you are but hopefully you will be able to find a shop near you where you can actually go and try one.

Keep reading this forum and also check out www dot bentrideronline dot com

Probably the biggest bent forum. I learned a lot about bents, riding bents, the different styles of bents before I jumped in and bought my first.

Best thing I ever did. Rode DF's for years and started falling off because of an inner ear problem. At my age (65) falling is not a good thing. My doctor approves, my health has improved. I'm getting my kids back into cycling.

What more could I want?
Tuki, I gave up on DF bikes because of back, neck, shoulder, wrist and crotch pain. All were 'age related'. I tried a LWB recumbent, the Sun EZ Sport, and loved it right away. Three years later, and 6,000 miles on it, and I won't ride anything else.

The LWB 'bents are easy to ride and are probably are the most comfortable. My back is straight, with lumbar support, neck and shoulders are relaxed. Riding is a joy and there is no pain or discomfort.

The EZ Sports are the 'huffy bikes' of the 'bent world. Sturdy and functional, but not race bred. $950 to $1300, depending on frame material. The Rans Stratus LE is around 1300 too. If you are on cf now, you may not be interested in these 'entry level' recumbents. Stepping up means 2K+++. Personally, I'm fine with the Sport, because I'm not racing anyone and am just looking for a good, sweaty workout. At 59, I don't need anything else.

Do some internet searching and then try to do some test rides. Hostel Shop online has lots of recumbent bikes to sheck out. Good luck, comfortable riding awaits. bk
bkaapcke said:
The LWB 'bents are easy to ride and are probably are the most comfortable. My back is straight, with lumbar support, neck and shoulders are relaxed. Riding is a joy and there is no pain or discomfort.
Hey Tuki I am three week away for 63 and BK. talked me in to getting one.It should be here next week. I have not got to try one as the sun dealer here does not carry the EZ Sport AX.But they look good to me as I do ride a semi recumbent now around 125 miles a week. Get one if you don`t like it we will go find BK. together if we don`t like them :D .I don`t know where you live but I would go ahead and spring for the EZ Sport AX.Better components and lighter by a good bit.

Just kidding BK. us old farts got to stick together :rolleyes: Wink:rolleyes:
Hi everyone, many thanks for the advice. I did take the plunge and now have about two hundred twenty miles on my new recumbent. I purchased a Bacchetta Strada. I am fortunate to live in a very bicycle friendly town, Eugene, Oregon, and was able to try several different brands and styles. Because I was very used to road bikes, the Bacchetta really seemed to offer similar performance while giving me the benefits of a recumbent. This model has 26” wheels both front and back.

I must say that I absolutely love the recumbent, and only wish that I had made the switch earlier. There simply is no more pain. Everything feels good, and I think I could ride for hours on end.

The bike has taken some getting used to. The pedals on the Bacchettas are raised, making it a little harder to start from a standstill, although I am improving daily. With the exception of starting, I think I’m getting very near the level of control that I had on my DF.

Once again, many thanks, and I would encourage anyone contemplating a recumbent to do so.
