New to touring, a couple questions


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Hi everyone.

I'm relatively new to road cycling and touring and have a few questions. I've began doing longer rides (75 - 100km) around my city (Ottawa) with little (maybe 10 pounds) of gear. I'm riding a Bianchi Premio which was given to me this year but am interested in getting a real touring bike since next year I will be doing trips of longer distance, where I will need to carry considerably more gear, pretty muhc fully loaded. Just curious if people actually tour with road bikes or if a touring bike is absolutely essential. I've been looking at the Trek 520 since it's received great reviews from most people and it's readily available here for about $1550 + tax. Is that a reasonable price?

Can't help it in the Equipment and Bike Cafe forums...more visitors there.
Hi there.

I lived in Ottawa for 11 years (now in Vancouver) and I really miss the city for its amazing cycling opportunities.

What bike for touring?

I'm not so sure a straight road bike is a good thing. You really need a hardier bike with cantilever brakes of you are going out fully loaded.

I toured extensively in Europe and in the NE USA with an old Bianchi cyclocross. It is an excellent touring frame: tough, fast, and with lots of hand positions on the road bars. I find straight bars a real drag after a few hours.

A real touring frame is best, I think. Check out Marinoni. They make great touring bikes. There should be a few used ones around Ottawa/Hull. Also, join the Ottawa Bike Club. There are lots of touring cyclists there. Someone may have a nice old Marinoni or, if you are lucky, a Mariposa.