Our first trip to Girona - looking for a map


New Member
May 12, 2013
I am heading to a wee place just outside Girona in early June for road cycling, I've not been before and at the moment I am struggling to find a good map for planning routes and for carrying out and about. Could anyone recommend a publication for the area? Additionally, are there any places where I can find any recommended routes on that area? I'm really looking forward to the trip but at the moment I am a little in the dark with respect to planning my rides.

Cheers for any advice.
In the absence of any replies can I suggest, if you have Twitter , that you get in touch with UCI_overlord as I understand he is currently in Girona for the cycling and knows all the little hidden away bits pretty well now. twitter.com/uci_overlord
googlemaps, mapmyride, google earth it seems to be the destination of choice for american pro riders, there must be multiple routes for you to discover,