pedals --10 degree float or more


New Member
Aug 13, 2004
I've been riding old Time ATAC pedals for several years on my road bike. I was under the impression--was told at the shop when I bought them-- they have 10 degrees of float; the new ATACS advertise that they have (only) 6 degrees.
I just looked at a three year old on the internet for ATACS which says they also have float of 6 degrees. Anyone know what reality is? 6 or 10?

A further question: what pedals of 10 degrees or more float do you recommend?
Besides the obvious Speedplays? (I got enormous feet --44-45 shoe size-- and think the small platform on speedplays will aggravate my already hot feet.)
Look has pedals that you can switch to I think 10 or 12 degrees.
I've also seen Crank brothers advertise a pedal system with plus 10 degrees.
Any suggestions?
Anyone ride on these pedals?

Oh right: reason I want a lot of float is for my iffy knees.........;)
roblogos said:
A further question: what pedals of 10 degrees or more float do you recommend?
Besides the obvious Speedplays? (I got enormous feet --44-45 shoe size-- and think the small platform on speedplays will aggravate my already hot feet.)
I'm not sure that Speedplay's platform size would be a huge problem. My feet are 45-46 depending on the brand and I've noticed no hot spot problems with my Speedplays. I think the fact that the cleat itself is rather large helps significantly. See if your LBS will let you compare cleat "footprint" on your shoes...
roblogos said:
I've been riding old Time ATAC pedals for several years on my road bike. I was under the impression--was told at the shop when I bought them-- they have 10 degrees of float; the new ATACS advertise that they have (only) 6 degrees.
I just looked at a three year old on the internet for ATACS which says they also have float of 6 degrees. Anyone know what reality is? 6 or 10?

A further question: what pedals of 10 degrees or more float do you recommend?
Besides the obvious Speedplays? (I got enormous feet --44-45 shoe size-- and think the small platform on speedplays will aggravate my already hot feet.)
Look has pedals that you can switch to I think 10 or 12 degrees.
I've also seen Crank brothers advertise a pedal system with plus 10 degrees.
Any suggestions?
Anyone ride on these pedals?

Oh right: reason I want a lot of float is for my iffy knees.........;)

I find no hot spots with my Speedplays after about 12,000 miles of use. I wear a 44 as well. They are more comfortable than the looks I previously owned and the 18 degrees of float is great on my knees.
I think the only way a speedplay pedals could bother your feet is if your were wearing shoes that weren't stiff enough. Any pair of decent cycling shoes should solve any potential problems in that area.
hilljunkie said:
I think the only way a speedplay pedals could bother your feet is if your were wearing shoes that weren't stiff enough. Any pair of decent cycling shoes should solve any potential problems in that area.
i wear a 46 and use speedplay. no problems at all. i would not let your shoe size decide against Speedplays. i use the s/s zeros and they are just amazing. for a few weeks i thought about switching to the new Time RSX carbon, but after trying them on my friend's bike, i decided to kep the speedplays. just my 2 cents.