People staying in Langenthal hotels for Unicon XIII?



Has anybody booked any hotel rooms for Unicon yet? We're looking for
more hotel information, and other hotels people have found that they
like. It would probably help with logistics if we could stay at common
hotels, and Jacquie and I are looking to make our hotel booking pretty

We're looking at July 22-Aug. 3. Your dates may be a little different.
Unicon hotel information can be found here:

Any ideas? Also if you're looking for hotel rooms for Unicon chime in
here. With a group, we may be able to negotiate a discounted rate.


John Foss
"jfoss" at "" --

"Idiot America—where fact is merely that which enough people believe,
and truth is measured only by how fervently they believe it." --
Charles Pierce, in Esquire Magazine
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FYI: I asked a similar question on the 'accommodation' forum (or
something to that effect) on the Unicon XIII website. Franz (their
webmaster) replied saying that all the accommodation options listed on
the UNICON site can only be booked through them. Booking will be
possible starting by about mid February. There may be other hotels in
the area that they haven't listed and that can be booked already, but I
haven't checked that.

I'll be going with a buddy and we're planning to book a twin room.

Klaas Bil
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What are the average prices for a 2 or 4 person room??
I'm thinking of going the cheap dormatories as of right now....



Jamey (formerly known as tuna6869)

Which is worse, a president who screws an intern, or a president who
screws the country?

*20 Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
didn't do than by the things you did-EXPLORE-DREAM-LIVE!
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Erant wrote:
> It's looking like the dormatories for me now. Hope noone snores.

Take ear plugs- then you can still sleep even if the person in the top
bunk does snore. I take ear plugs to all weekend uni events ( in fact
any where I'm sleeping away from home) It means I get to go to sleep
when I want and wake up at a sensible time.


South West Unicycle Meet
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sarah.miller wrote:
> Take ear plugs- then you can still sleep even if the person in the top
> bunk does snore. I take ear plugs to all weekend uni events ( in fact
> any where I'm sleeping away from home) It means I get to go to sleep
> when I want and wake up at a sensible time.
> Sarah

Now that's a pretty good idea!! Thanks.
My idea was to just have a few beers so that you can pass out easily!
I'll probably end up doing a little bit of both (earplugs and


Jamey (formerly known as tuna6869)

Which is worse, a president who screws an intern, or a president who
screws the country?

*20 Years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
didn't do than by the things you did-EXPLORE-DREAM-LIVE!
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