Re: A day on the South Downs


sandy saunders

Well, not quite a day, but an 11 mile walk from Walderton, north of
Chichester. As luck would have it ..... no power in the building at work
today, so was advised to make alternative arrangements. Wow, what an offer.

So, initially it was in the car and off to Harting Down car park, above
South Harting, for a long circular walking, returning from Cocking on the
South Downs Way. One problem, on arrival at Harting Down it was foggy,
raining and not very pleasant. Quick change of plan and south to Walderton.
A walk Clare and I have done before, but still a nice outing.

The walk took me up over Kingley Vale down to Stoke Down, then back up into
Kingley Vale and along the Western Down Cycle Way. This took me north
through woods to eventually arrived at the very small village of East
Marden. Stopped for a coffee on the bench outside the church, listening to
the loud screech of crows in their nest. East Marden is awash with crows
nest ... not the quietest of places to live! Coffee over, it was back onto
footpaths and across to Up Marden (even smaller than East Marden!) with it's
century church. After a very short lane walk, it was back into woods,
heading back down to Walderton ........ and a very pleasant surprise. Was
approaching the exit from the woods into open fields when I disturbed some
Deer. Now, I had seen a couple earlier in Kingley Vale, but this was a
group of about 15. And ....... to my amazement there was a pure white deer.
Often see deer on the South Downs, but never a white one. Really made my

(see it at

Well, excitement over, it was a steady walk back to Walderton, arriving
exactly 5 hours after I left.

A selection of photos from along the route at my website.

sandy saunders @

'Mountains or Mole Hills ... summiting still
brings the same excitement'