Re: Eggs - Good for how long?


Karen AKA Kajikit

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 21:02:18 GMT, Josh Zerin <[email protected]>

>I'm in my third year of college, and I finally got my own apartment.
>Goodie. So now I've gotta start making my own food.
>A couple of weeks ago, I got back from a 3-week break to find a few
>eggs left in my fridge. The sell-by date was last December, but I
>figured what the hey. I hard-boiled a couple of them, and they tasted
>just fine.
>I'm still here typing this, so I'm assuming there was nothing wrong with them.
>How long are eggs good for?

Eggs are good until they stink... when they go off, believe me you'll
know it! Even hardboiled - once you peeled it it would stink to high
heaven and possibly be green instead of white.

We haven't had a lot of trouble with eggs going off... but when we
were using freerange eggs from the healthfood shop quite a few of them
were dodgy. If in doubt, break each egg individually into a bowl
before you use them - that way you can toss out anything fishy without
ruining a whole recipe or meal. I learnt THAT the hard way!
~Karen aka Kajikit
Lover of fine chocolate, fun crafts, and furry felines
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