Re: New unicycle book



While surfing the net I stumbled across this little discussion regarding
the booklet "Ride The Unicycle - A Crash Course!"

My name is Gregg Vivolo, I've been a unicycle enthusiast for over 30
years now and have been teaching others to ride for almost as long. I'm
married with 4 sons, two of which also ride.

I wrote the booklet over a year ago and started selling it on eBay in
addition to selling it on my little website. To date I've sold close to
500 booklets.

Is the book good? I think the overwhelming success of those who've used
my booklet to learn is a testimony to whether or not it is good.

What makes it different than other learn to ride books written is that
it breaks down the process into small understandable steps. In
addition, the booklet includes several exercises for a student to
perform prior to getting on the unicycle to help learn and understand
the importance of leaning forward which as you know is the most
critical, yet most difficult skill to perform for beginning unicyclists.

My intention for writing the booklet is simply to promote the wonderful
sport of unicycling.

Happy and Safe Unicycling!

unipsychler's Profile:
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Welcome to the forums, Gregg! I hope you will poke around a bit and see
what this group is all about. Your forum looks like a great place for
beginners to get some useful feedback. It's sometimes harder to get that
here without first being told to use the search feature (which they

I had some correspondence with Gregg when I first heard about his book a
year or two ago. Anything to help people get over the steep learning
curve of learning to ride is a good thing. People really need that!
Looks like he favors a "ride away from curb" technique. Funny, as I just
posted in a different thread that one of the most important pointers I
give new riders is to "stick to the wall" at first. So we may have
different teaching methods.

Good luck with the book sales, Gregg!

johnfoss - The wilder Wilder

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
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I ordered a copy out of curiousity. Maybe I'll give it to my daughter in
yet another attempt to get her to stick with the learning process. She
wants to ride, just wont put in the time.

JJuggle - To Protect the Innocent

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Who is Feen Phenique and why does he keep a secret hideout in

The narcotic that forges their union, is a substance known only to one
To the clown it is known as dominion, it’s a secret that he’ll give to
The drug which gives the clown power, means the circus can never be
And his dream can go on unhindered, ’til the last human being has
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