Re: RR: Mooloolaba 1/5/05 (looong, sorry!)



Absent Husband wrote:

> Great in theory - hard in practice. I got VERY disoriented through the
> first couple of hundred meters in the swim. People seemed to be
> swimming in every direction, so I couldn't just 'follow someones feet',
> and I couldn't spot the buoys at all in the water. I got a bit anxious
> about swimming in the wrong direction, but just decided to slog towards
> the 'group' and hope I got close. Eventually reached the buoy to turn
> parallel to the beach (leaving a ~1.1km straight swim). Water was very
> rough, and I struggeld again with keeping my technique tight and
> rhythm.
> To cut this short - I handled the conditions pretty poorly. Went out
> too hard, got disoriented and anxious, and had awful rhythm and
> technique. Final time was 32min 20sec (but it felt like 40min!!)

Great report.

In my first triathlon I was last out of the water. Mind you, I was one
of only two people out of two hundred that wasn't wearing a wetsuit.
In my last triathlon at Meelup near Busselton my goggles filled up with
water at least twice, my wetsuit zip unzipped, and I got caught up on
the ropes of one of the bouys. My swim time was about 5 minutes slower
than what I normally do in the pool. I haven't swum in the ocean since
and I have a half Ironman on this weekend,(just didn't get time to get
to the beach, blah blah).

I ALSO discovered that competing is a good reality check but hey it's
fun too.
