Re: Too much weight on my hands?


Mike Latondresse

"Tom Nakashima" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> "Tom Nakashima" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:...
>> "C" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> In article <[email protected]>,
>>> Tom Nakashima <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>I not sure who started it, Tyler Hamilton in last years Tour?
>>>>But a lot of
>>>>the Peloton now tilt their handlebars upward.
>>>>It does seem to be more comfortable.
>>> Are his bars really tilted upwards? Or are the brake levers
>>> just near the upper part of the bend? I think the current trend
>>> among pro riders is to have a very low handlbar (several inches
>>> below the seat), but to mount the brake levers in the upper half
>>> of the handlebar bend. This gives them a good aero riding
>>> position on the drops, but also a higher position on the hoods
>>> for cruising in the peloton.

>> The bars are also tilted upward... The way you could tell is the
>> bottom section of the handlebars are also angled.
>> If just the brake levers were raised on the bars, the straight
>> section of the drop would be parallel to the ground.
>> -tom

> Also the link of Tyler Hamilton on his bike, notice the handlebars
> are also tilted up, not just the brake levers mounted higher.
> -tom

Could that possibly have been an change to ease thw pain on his
broken collarbone.

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