rec.running FAQ, part 1 of 8


Ozzie Gontang

Archive-name: running-faq/part1
Last-modified: 10 March 2003
Posting-Frequency: 14 days

Answers to REC.RUNNING FAQ and Interesting Information

This posting contains answers to frequently asked questions posted to
rec.running plus interesting & useful information for runners. If known,
author's name/email address are given. Send me Ozzie Gontang
<[email protected]> any corrections,updates, suggestions, or proper
info of sources or holder's of copyright.

Part 1 of 8
What to do before posting to rec.running or any news group
Runner or Jogger
Avoiding Dogs
Books and Magazines
Winter Running Gear
Clothes (Winter/Summer)
Rules For Winter Running
Clothing Layers
Dressing for Winter
Clothing Materials
60/40 Cloth
Breathability of Materials
Breathable options
General Information
Running Mailing Lists
Terminology ( overpronation, oversupination)
Calorie/energy count
Calories burned by running
Muscle fuels used during exercise
Part 2 of 8
Fat burning primer
Conversion chart
Fluid replacement
Noakes's Ten Laws of Running Injuries
Second Wind
Soda Pop
Computer software
Interval training
Sore Knees
Leg Massage
Part 3 of 8
Mail Order Addresses
Increasing your mileage
Major Marathons (e.g. Boston, LA, New York)
Part 4 of 8
Miscellaneous Medical /Injuries
Achilles tendinitis (incomplete)
Shin splints
Side stitches
Lactic Acid
Loose bowels
Diabetes & running
Nutrition and Food
Part 5 of 8
Nutrition primer
Powerbar Recipe
Predicting times
Running Clubs & Organizations
Part 6 of 8
Tredmill Running
Weather (cold, hot, wind, rain, altitude)
Part 7 of 8
Pregnancy & Running
Mindful Way of Dealing with Out of Control People
Hints for the Successful Four Hour Marathoner (Super-Fours)
Part 8 of 8
Running Related Internet Sites


What to do before posting to rec.running or any news group

Read news.announce.newusers and news.answers for a few weeks. Always make
sure to read a newsgroup for some time before you post to it. You'll be
amazed how often the same question can be asked in the same newsgroup.
After a month you'll have a much better sense of what the readers want to

The difference between jogging and running is in the eye of the beholder.
Partial list compiled by Phil Margolies <[email protected]>

Jogging is spelled with a j, an o, and two g's, running is spelled with
an r, a u, and two n's. Otherwise there is no important difference that
I am aware of ;-)
There is no real distinction between the two. Traditionally joggers are
considered to be more casual and slower than someone who refers to
themselves as a runner. But use which ever term you prefer.
A jogger is person who worries about the difference.
A runner just goes out and runs.
This issue has been beaten to death more than once, but ......

My gut feeling is:
if your goal/focus is to get there in minimum time; you are racing (or
race training)
if your goal/focus is on what your are doing; you are running
if your focus is to lose weight or gain fitness or whatever else
(possibly indicated by wearing headphones?); you are jogging.

Speed doesn't matter; some people race at 4:00/mile, some at 12:00/mile.
No one of these three activities is any better or nobler than any other.
When I'm tired I jog, when I'm not I run. After all, it's all relative.
Speed IMHO has nothing to do with it.
Joggers are interested in the fitness benifits of the activity.
Runners are interested in the sport of racing.
The best quote I ever read on this was: The difference between a jogger and
a runner is a bib number.
A Jogger is everyone that I can pass.
A Runner is everone who passes me.
There are many differences between a jogger & a runner, although both are
very positive activities & neither should be knocked. Here's a couple of
differences I notice:

Jogging is a hobby. Running is a way of life.
Joggers get out on a nice day. Runners get out everyday.

Avoiding Dogs (Arnie Berger [email protected])

There are varying degrees of defense against dogs.

1- Shout "NO!" as loud and authoritatively as you can. That works more than
half the time against most dogs that consider chasing you just good sport.

2- Get away from their territory as fast as you can.

3- A water bottle squirt sometimes startles them.

If they're waiting for you in the road and all you can see are teeth then
you in a heap o' trouble. In those situations, I've turned around, slowly,
not staring at the dog, and rode away.

"Halt" works pretty well, and I've used it at times. It's range is about 8

I bought a "DAZER", from Heathkit. Its a small ultrasonic sound generator
that you point at the dog. My wife and I were tandeming on a back road and
used it on a mildly aggressive German Shephard. It seemed to cause the dog
to back off.

By far, without a doubt, hands down winner, is a squirt bottle full of
reagent grade ammonia, fresh out of the jug. The kind that fumes when you
remove the cap. When I lived in Illinois I had a big, mean dog that put its
cross-hairs on my leg whenever I went by. After talking to the owner
(redneck), I bought a handlebar mount for a water bottle and loaded it with
a lab squirt bottle of the above mentioned fluid. Just as the dog came
alongside, I squirted him on his nose, eyes and mouth. The dog stopped dead
in his tracks and started to roll around in the street. Although I
continued to see that dog on my way to and from work, he never bothered me

Finally, you can usually intimidate the most aggressive dog if there are
more than one of you. Stopping, *and moving towards it will often cause it
to back off*. ( But not always ). My bottom line is to always *run* routes
that I'm not familiar with, with someone else.

E-Book John Lupton <[email protected]>

Gordon Pirie's book "Running Fast and Injury Free" which can be found via . Pirie is a proponent of fore-foot striking.
All I can say is Pirie works for me. As a novice, having a pretty
straightforward book on technique to read, one that is uncomplicated by
jargon, is very useful. For me, even before a novice puts on his/her
running shoes for the first time, it is worth reading this book (its *very*
short). Not all of it is relevant to the recreational runner, but the bits
that are are very obvious and accessible.

Books and Magazines (Phil Cannon [email protected])


1) The Lore of Running - Tim Noakes
2) The Complete Book of Running - Fixx
3) The Runner's Handbook - Bloom
4) Long Distance Runner's Guide to Training and Racing - Sperks/Bjorklund
5) The Runner's Handbook - Glover & Shepard
6) Galloway's Book on Running - Galloway
7) Jog, Run, Race - Henderson
8) The New Aerobics - Cooper
9) Training Distance Runners- Martin and Coe
10) Any book by Dr. George Sheehan
11) The Essential Runner (John Hanc)
12) The Runner's World Complete Book of Running (Amby Burfoot)

check for books available at:The Athlete's Bookstore [email protected]

RUNNING DIALOGUE David Holt RN, Santa Barbara and 31:16 10 K.

Includes winter running advice; extensive interval (three chapters) and
diet advice; marathon chapter; three chapters on injury prevention and
predicting times; plus table for paces to train for 2 mile pace for VO2
max, and 15K pace for anaerobic threshold.

Table of contents/list of contributors
or send a blank E-mail to [email protected]


Track and Field News (12/96-monthly $34.95 US per year) 2370 El Camino
Real, Ste 606 Mountain View CA 94040
415-948-8188 Fax: 1-415-948-9445 1-800-GET-TRAK (1-800-438-8725)

Self-proclaimed "Bible of the Sport", T&FN is the source for major meet
results in T&F, road racing, cross-country, and race walking from the high
school to int'l levels. Emphasis on U.S. athletes. though significant int'l
coverage provided. Compiles annual post-season rankings of the top 10
performers in world and U.S. in every major event, men and women. Publishes
list of top 50 performances in each event for the year. Also sponsors
TAFNUT tours for major championships and the Euro Circuit/GP meets. Lots of
stats, good interviews.

Track Technique (quarterly; $15 in US, $16 outside) same contact info as
Track & Field News.

The official USATF(formerly TAC) quarterly, each issue has important
articles on technique, training, and other practical information on all
events, at all levels. Intended for coaches.

California Track News ($18/yr)
4957 East Heaton
Fresno, CA 93727

Calif.'s only all track & X-county publication. Lots of attention to prep

Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744. Covers southeastern
United States monthly. Founded 1984. Covers road races in 13 states, plus
ultras, multi-sports, racewalking. Annual subscription is $22.95.

Running Research News
P.O. Box 27041
Lansing, MI 48909
Credit card orders: 1-517-371-4897 MC/Visa accepted. e-mail: [email protected]

12/96 $35/year $65/2 years (10 issues per year, 12-14 pages per issue.)
76 back issues, $265 (postage US 10 outside US $30)

(Add $10 for overseas airmail, except Mexico and Canada) ALL non-US
customers please provide a credit card number or money order in U.S. funds,
or a check drawn on a U.S. bank (with American-bank computer numbers).

Running Times (monthly $24.95 US per year) P.O. Box 511
Mount Morris, IL 61054-7691

Runner's World (monthly $24 US per year) P.O. Box 7574 Red Oak, IA 51591-2574
Archive-name: running-faq/part7
Last-modified: 10 March 2003
Posting-Frequency: 14 days


Answers to REC.RUNNING FAQ and Interesting Information

This posting contains answers to frequently asked questions posted to
rec.running plus interesting & useful information for runners. If known,
author's name/email address are given. Send me Ozzie Gontang
<[email protected]> any corrections,updates, suggestions, or proper
info of sources or holder's of copyright.

Running and Pregnancy. Paula Vanzant-Hardick <[email protected]>

I have been running for oh, about 11 or 12 years now and have run all the
way through all of my pregnancies. I feel like it has made them healthier
for both of us. I have never had any kind of a problem with low iron, high
blood pressure or any real pregnancy related maladies.

I also believe that had I not run, my recovery time after each baby was
born would have been significantly longer than they were. Even after my
second one (the C section, I could walk a couple of miles within about 10
days after delivery).

Running is a FABULOUS form of stress management.

Now to my diet, I just really maintained my normal diet, the only thing is
I may have been a little heavier on the fresh fruits (trying to avoid that
refined sugar you know) and I usually drink at least 10 8oz glasses of
water a day (you notice I say at least). The water I think also helps to
keep the yuckies away.

I am planning to continue my training regime as usual with this pregnancy
as I have with the others. I guess the only thing that I may do a bit
differently during pregnancy is if I really feel like I need to walk during
any of my runs, I will, it may only be a few feet or it may be 1/2 mile
but if I have a feeling that I don't think should be there I don't hesitate
to walk it off.

Any of these other women who have run while pregnant may have other
suggestions but I guess my biggest thing is to just really do what feels
best for the person.

And one last note, there were times during each of my pregnancies that I
would have rather had a nap, but instead would drag myself out for a run, I
would not only feel better after I had run, I would have TONS more energy
(and the second, third and now fourth time that is VERY important.)

Thanks for asking and giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts!
Paula (and the thundering herd--Tom, Shaun, Alexa, Erin and #4)

excerpted by Paula from UK version of Runner's World May 1995

"Running for Two" (subtitle Good News- running during pregnancy can make
you and your baby healthier!) By Joe Dunbar

"There are two main issued: how will training affect the baby, and how will
pregnancy affect running performance?....In General, the running you do
when pregnant should be aimed at maintaining rather than developing

The main danger to the fetus (that British spelling), according to Dr.
Richard Budgett 0f the British Olympic Medical Centre, is from an increase
in body temperature. The main effect of too great an increase in body
temperature is damage to the fetus's central nervous system. The danger is
especially great in the first three months, but you should be careful
throughout the pregnancy. Budgett recommends that you limit the increase
in body temperature to 38.9 Degree C (102 F).

You are also generally recommended not to exceed a rate of 140-150bpm, but
individuals vary enormously in their resting , maximum and training heart
rates. Remember too that one effect of endurance training is that your body
can control temperature rises more effectively ,so a runner who is highly
trained before pregnancy should be in a slightly better position. Drinking
plenty of fluids is essential to avoid dehydration and hyperthermia. This
will also help to limit the temperature increase, so get into the habit of
drinking regularly during training it's equally important to avoid
hypoglycemia during and after exercise carbo drinks will help to replace
[carbohydrates] both during and after exercise, provided that they aren't
too concentrated. One recent project that followed two groups of 462
suburban women through their pregnancies found that women who had burned
more calories per week (as a result of greater exercise levels) tend to
give birth to slightly heavier babies than women who had exercised less.

....the bottom line? Although each individual will differ, you should bear
in mind the following guidelines on pregnancy and running:

o It is safe to continue moderate training throughout your pregnancy,
although individual complications may cause limitations.
o Listen to your body and run as you feel.
o There is no need to switch to other forms of exercise unless you
have specific problems.
o Use your heart rate and check your temperature during training.
Stick to sensible levels to avoid hyperthermia.
o Take plenty of fluids to limit the risk of dehydration and assist
o You can reduce lower back pain by strengthening the abdominal & hip
flexor muscles, & stretching the muscles around the pelvis and spine.
o Try to avoid explosive exercise during pregnancy.
o Try water-running sessions: they are specific to running but have
far less impact, and water helps to avert hyperthermia."

As I said, I found this article very interesting, and the parts that I have
included are verbatim, unless in parentheses. Hope you find this
interesting and of some use to all those expectant mom's who don't want to
give up their running.

A Mindful Way of Dealing with Out of Control People from Ozzie Gontang

from The Way of Chuang Tzu by Thomas Merton, 1965
New Direction Publishing Corporation

If a man is crossing a river
And an empty boat collides with his own skiff,
Even though he be a bad-tempered man
He will not become very angry.

But if he sees a man in the boat,
He will shout at him to steer clear.

If the shout is not heard, he will shout again,
And yet again, and begin cursing.
And all because there is somebody in the boat.
Yet if the boat were empty,
He would not be shouting and not angry.

If you can empty your own boat
Crossing the river of the world,
No one will oppose you,
No one will seek to harm you....

When I confronted by reckless drivers, speeding skaters or bikers,
I simply avoid them and say to myself,
"Empty boat."

Over the years, those two words have saved me from feeding
anger, aggression and violence-both mine and theirs.

Hints for the Success of the Four Hour Marathoner (Super-Fours)

These Hints are from a brochure for Super-Fours, i.e. those running over 4
hours in the Marathon. It was subtitled: "A Short Guide to the Care and
Support of Four-Hour Marathoners, The Physically Distressed and Mentally
Distracted Sub-Fours and The First Time Marathoner-Who Only Wants To
It was originally published by the International Association of
Marathoners (IAM and pronounced "I AM") in 1988.

The last 6 to 8 miles of the Marathon will test an individual physically
but most of all mentally. No matter how well prepared on may be, the
unknown of how one will be or how the weather conditions will be leaves
one with some sense of discovery or travelling unfamiliar territoroes of
mind/body. It is often for the righteous and well-trained that the fall
from grace is the hardest.

IAM Aware:

Know that you will tell others your verbal time: "About 4 hours."

Know that you will harbor a desired time: "I THINK I can do it,
if all goes perfect,
15 to 30 minutes faster."

Know that you will have an ideal or fantasized time:
"Wouldn't it be great to break
3:30 in my first marathon."

Acknowledge your desired time and Fantasy Time verbally to yourself, otherwise
they will influence you finish time for the worse.

Super-Four Success One:

Set your time with a standard deviation (SD) of 15 minutes. The SD+/-
(Verbal Time + 5 minutes). The mind/body message goes from a single
second in time to a window of 30 minutes and respects the mind, the body
and the conditions of the day.

Super-Four Success Two:

Starting a marathon 30 seconds to 60 seconds per mile faster than your
race plan for the first 3 to 5 miles can slow your finish time from 20
minutes to 90 minutes. That speed will burn off several times more
glycogen in the first 3 to 5 miles than needed. You are fueled with
energy from minimal running the 6 days before the marathon. You have also
stored extra energy from eating and hydrating well the last three days
before the marathon. Know your game plan and stick to it for the first 3
to 5 miles when you are so full of energy. That energy can easily give
you the power to run those first few miles at that 30 second to 60 second
per mile faster...and not even realize it. It will remember somewhere
between miles 18 and 26.

Super-Four Success Three:

The jitteriness you feel the morning of the race and the day before are
from your body being fueled and needing to expend energy. You can
identify it as fear, or nervousness, or worry. Just remember you haven't
run more than 2 to 4 miles in 3 days. You body is ready to do
something-Run A Marathon. You now feel what it's like not to run a few
days...or the feelings 3 days after injuring yourself. To walk and
sightsee 5 to 10 miles the day before the marathon is 500 to 1000 calories
of energy plus the water to store the glycogen. You may not be able to
replenish it by race time.

Super-Four Success Four:

In the past 6 months if you have moved, bought a house, changed jobs,
started or ended a relationship, had a child (or fathered a child), have
trouble at work or home that costs you mental energby, there is a good
likelihood you will finish 30 to 60 minutes slower than you had planned.

Super-Four Success Five:

When you feel tired or unable to go on, should your mind go to the
finish line, bring it back to the present. If your mind is at the finish,
so is your body...even though it has 1 to 6 more miles jto go. Bring the
mind to the present by saying, "I am at Mile ___ and am being drawn by a
magnet to the finish. I hold my body up and erect and I am being pulled
steadily to the finish."

Super-Four Success Six:

The last 10 miles push the crown of your head up and look to the
horizon. By holding the head erect you save your shoulder muscles and
balance not only the weight of your 12 to 14 pound head but also your

Super-Four Success Seven:

The last 6 miles run out from the pack and away from the curbside. You
are in a trance state by mile 18. You will be open to and picking up
visual and non-verbal cues of runners around you. If you are away from the
curb and can see 200 to 300 yards in front of you, you will be running
your own race. Should someone stop dead in f ront of you, do not give them
any of your energy by getting angry or upset. Simply say as you pass them,
"Don't lose your form. Even if you walk keep your good running form."

Super-Four Success Eight:

When someone running with you starts to speed up or to fall behind, or
you start to pick up your pace or fall behind; in your mind, picture a pair
of scissors in your hand cutting the cord between you and the other runner.
Otherwise, you will be carrying that person in your mind...and it will
only slow you down...or wear you out if they are in front of you. You can
only be in one place physically, and that is directly above the space upon
which you feet are running. Cutting that cord allows you to cut loose from
a slower runner or free your mind from attempting to keep up with a faster

Super-Four Success Nine:

When you run with someone, run shoulder to shoulder. If you run
slightly behind, the mind often feels like it is having to catch up. If
your image is that of being pulled or towed by the runner in front of you,
then running behind is okay...unless the runner complains.

Super-Four Success Ten:

In a marathon to catch someone, wind them in over a mile to three miles.
that way you waste no energy required to finish the last 1 to 6 miles.

If you want to share your thoughts, suggestions, ideas, mantras, anecdotes,
and your own Super-Four Success hints, please send e-mail them or send them

International Association of Marathoners (IAM)
Attn. Ozzie Gontang
2903 29th Street
San Diego, CA 92104

e-mail: Ozzie Gontang <[email protected]>
ph. 619-281-7447
fax 619-281-9468
Mindful Running:
Archive-name: running-faq/part8
Last-modified: 21 March 2003
Posting-Frequency: 14 days

(Sites are being rechecked and new ones added by Arthur Bamps
<[email protected]> . He continues to update the info. Ozzie)
Part 8 of the FAQ had been subdivided into 3 areas
Part 1 deals with the WWW pages
Part 2 deals with mail-based discussion lists
Part 3 deals with Usenet discussion groups

Part I

The Internet Guide to Becoming an Athlete
Run Down Running Portal - Dan Kaplan (+10000 links)
Serves runners/walkers/multi-sport athletes-Denny Brooks
Women's Multisport Online
Runners Web UK
Cool Running
Lets Run
Jeff Galloway
Team Oregon
Remko's T&F Page
Sportscreen - Athletics online
The World of Running and Track & Field
Athletics (Track & Field) Links
Running Online
Running ( (UK)
Trail Running links on DMOZ
CCRR Running Weblinks was Joe's Running Links
Tips for Blind and Partially Sighted Runners
Running with your Dog
Backward running
Barefoot running
Nude Running Events

Organizations & Associations

IAAF International Amateur Athletic Federation
International Olympic Committee
Association of International Marathons and Road Races
World Association of Veteran Athletes
American Running Association
USA Track & Field
USA TF New Jersey
Road Runners Club of America
American UltraRunning Association
Athletics Canada
Athletics Australia
Australian Sports Commission
New Zealand
Athletics New Zealand
European Athletic Association
UK Athletics
Scottish Athletics Federation
Athletics Association of Wales
Northern Ireland Athletic Federation
Asian Amateur Athletic Association
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Amateur Athletic Association

Running Clubs

50 States Marathon Club

Running events

Links to different Competition Calendars
Marathon Calendar (over 650 worldwide)
South Africa
Reunion-Grand Raid
South African Augrabies
Sand Marathon-Marathon des Sables

Athletics Statistics
Global and Local Athletic Records

Medical corner
Anatomy - Lower Extremity
Muscles and Joints
Virtual Sports Injury Clinic
Iliotibial Band Causes and Solutions
Dr. Pribut Sports Page
The SportsMed Web
Foot & Ankle Web Index
Masters Physiology & Performance
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Zunis Foundation

Coaching & Training
Brian Mackenzie on all aspects of it
Marathon Training
Hal Higdon
Do It Sports Virtual Training
Coaching Science Abstracts
Abdominal Training

Ultra running
Matt Mahoney
Stan Jensen
David Blaikie
Kevin Sayers Resource

The press
The Running Network
Athlete's Bookstore
Southern California Running/Tri/Bike Calendar
Runner's World
for marathoners/ultradistance runners
42 times per year newsletter
Peak Performance
Running Research Newsletter
David Holt - Running Dialogue
Archive-name: running-faq/part6
Last-modified: 10 Mar 2003
Posting-Frequency: 14 days

Shoes (Thomas Page [email protected])

Here is a summary of shoe reviews gleaned from various places including
manufacturers' adds, Road Runner Sports catalog, Runner`s World, Running
Times, rec.running postings, and my own experience. I will post and update

Guide to Categories
BASICS: A good quality shoe for a beginning through mid-mileage runner.

LIGHTWEIGHT TRAINER/RACER: Typically under 10 ounces. Very light, very
fast, biomechanically gifted runners can wear these shoes as daily
trainers. Other runners may get away with using these as a second pair for
racing in or for track workouts. These shoes usually have blown rubber
soles for light weight so they wear out too quickly for an everyday
training shoe for most of us.

MC: (Motion Control) Made for over-pronators and heavier runners.

STABILITY: For neutral runners and mild over-pronators. Offers some
resistance to pronation and supination.

RACING FLAT: Most people should race in their regular trainers or
lightweight trainers. For people who can get away with it, racing flats
might buy them a few seconds in a 10k. If that is the difference between
1st and 2nd, it is probably worth it. If it is the difference between 38:04
and 38:14 it is probably not worth the risk of injury. These shoes have
very little stability, cushioning, or durability, but they tend to weigh
2-4 oz. less than a lightweight trainer.

If you remove the insole, you can tell the type of construction. Slip
Lasted shoes have a sewn seam running the length of the shoe. Board lasted
shoes have a cardboard board running the length of the shoe. Combination
lasted shoes have cardboard in the rear half, and a seam up the front half.
Slip lasted shoes are the most flexible. Board lasted shoes are the most
stable and least flexible. Combination lasted shoes attempt to compromise
giving a flexible forefoot and a stable rear. Orthotics wearers should
stick to board or combination lasted shoes. True over-supinators (these are
rare) should use flexible slip lasted shoes. Another way to look at it: if
you have a rigid foot (tends to be high arched feet), favor flexible (slip
laste) shoes. If you have a floppy foot (tends to have flatter feet and
overpronate), favor combination or board construction.

The last is the form the shoe is made on. Lasts vary from curved, to
semi-curved, to straight. Straight lasts are generally the most stable
shoes, while curved lasted shoes tend to be the most flexible. You just
have to see what last from what manufacturer fits your foot.

A good running shoe store is essential. The sales people at the sporting
goods chain stores and the mall shoe stores just don't know their products
or how to fit runners, despite advertising to the contrary. A real runner's
store should allow you to run in the shoe on the sidewalk outside the
store, or at least on a tread mill in the store and watch you run. They
should be able to tell you if you over-pronate in a particular shoe. The
advice you get in a good store is worth the price (full retail) you pay.

Don't be a jerk and pick the brains of a good running shoe store salesman
and then buy at a discount place. If you value their advice, buy a pair of
shoes from the specialty running store so they will still be in business
the next time you need them. Then, if you liked the pair you bought, go
ahead and buy it from a discount store or mail order place in the future;
you don't owe the store your business forever. Remember though, that models
change, and you will want to go back to the good store every few years.

Weight is typically listed for mens' size 9 as quoted by manufacturer and
found either in Runners World, Running Times, or Road Runner Sports
catalog. Different sources differ in the weight they report, often by as
much as an ounce. I have not been consistent about which source I use here
so you may find a discrepancy with a source you consult.

M.C. stands for Motion Control (i.e. a shoe for over-pronators).

************** SHOE REVIEWS *************

Check out: Runner's World Online!

Active Isolated Stretching

Aaron Mattes' book Active Isolated Stretching. See RW, Feb/94
The book is $30 (+ Postage/handling). You can reach Aaron at:

2932 Lexington St
Sarasota, FL 34231-6118

Aaron has video tapes of the stretches. The father/son team which has
marketed themselves very well, were trained by Aaron Mattes in Active
Isolated Stretching. They videoed their tape at Aaron's. Anyway, go to the
source and support those people who often aren't the marketing wizs yet
share so much great information.

Two great little books which would be of great help to you are from a
fellow who has shared a lot of his wisdom on rec.running.

You can reach Paul Blakey at [email protected]

His books are:
The Muscle Book $10.99
Stretching Without Pain $14.99

I have used them over the past several years and know that you'll find them
very helpful in learning what you need to know about your "thinking body."

Tell them Ozzie sent you. I don't receive any financial compensation, just
want to support people who, I believe, care about helping people learn to
take care of themselves plus get some good info out to the world.


Stretching (Shane P Esau [email protected]) (Rocky Essex
[email protected])

STRETCHING EXERCISES by Shane Esau, Edited by Rocky Essex


When stretching, stretch the muscle until your feel a slight tightness,
then hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat, this time stretching the muscle a
little more. Thus it should take 1-1.5 minutes/stretch (a total of 15-20


Place your hand on the wall, with the front of your elbow as well on the
wall Now turn so that you can feel a stretch in your chest - try to keep
your elbow on the wall - your hand should be shoulder height or higheer.


Stretch your hamstrings by lying on your back, with 1 knee bent. Then bring
your other leg up to vertical, keeping your knee straight and your back
against the floor. This is a much better stretch for your hamstrings than
is the bent over stretch.


Stand erect, grab one leg and pull your foot towards your but. Remember to
keep your stomach tight - don't let your stomach relax - do this for both

Another quad stretch is to sit on your feet and bend (lean your upper
torso) backwards, keeping your knees on the ground.


Stand erect with your feet shoulder width apart. Now take your left leg and
put it behind your right leg and put your left foot about 12" to the right
of your right foot. Now lean your torso so that is upright again (take your
right hand and run it down your right leg until your feel the stretch).
Repeat with the other leg.


Try to stretch 1/2 - 1 hour/day - this includes pre-training stretching,
but at least 1 stretching session/day that is outside of training.


Take your left hand, and put it behind your head, palm facing the same way
as your face. Now, slide your hand down your spine, until you feel a
stretch. Now take your right hand and grab your left elbow, and pull your
left elbow towards your right hip (over and down). This should stretch the


First, sit on your feet, with your arms outstretched in front of you. Now,
place your left hand on top of your right hand. Now, lean back and twist
your body towards your right side (you want to try to put your right armpit
on the ground). If this is not stretching, move your hands further out in
front of you.


This is for your upper back and is easy to do - take your left elbow in
your right hand, and pull it across the front of your chest - try pulling
your left elbow all the way over to your right pec muscle - it may be
easier if your put your left forearm in your right armpit.


Lie on your back, and put your legs in the crunch position (90 deg bend in
your legs and your hips) Now, pedal your legs from bent to almost straight,
and at the same time bend at the waist bringing your elbows to your knees.
It is a killer (mainly because of the co-ordination that it takes)

It is like a leg lift on the starting part, then changes to a crunch situp
from that point on. Fingers interlaced behind head and pedal while you are


Sit down with your legs out in front of you. Now bend your left leg and put
your left foot on the outside of your right leg, between your right cheek
and your right knee- pull your left foot as close to your right cheek as
possible. Now, pull your left knee in towards your chest. If you don't feel
much, grab your left shin, and give your left leg a little twist (ie pull
your shin closer to your chest). Your should feel this. Another one is to
lie on your back, put both feet in the air, then bend your left leg again,
but this time bring your left shin in front of your roght quad. Now pull
your right leg towards your chest - you should feel this in your buttocks.
If you don't, push your left knee away from your chest, while maintaining
the distance between your right leg and your chest.

ANKLES (Mike Dotseth [email protected])

Stand with feet in normal standing position. Place a hand on a wall or a
railing for a little balance. Now, 'roll' your feet around on their 'outer
edges'. Repeat 50 times. ('Rolling on the outer edges' means to tilt your
feet as far outward and inward (supination and pronationtween rock forward
on your the balls of your feet and back on your heels.) The major benefit
is the stretching and strengthening on the muscles and tendons which keep
your foot stable as you run.

A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about stretching and flexibility by
Brad Appleton can be found on:


========================================== Sweat (Sam Henry
[email protected])

Question: I sweat more than I can replace during a long run, ride, or
triathlon. What can I do about it?

It's hard to say what to do without knowing what you do now. None of us can
replace as much as we lose while we are losing it. The trick is to keep
from going into deficit.

Do you hydrate yourself every day, all day long? Min 2 qts/day.

Do you hydrate yourself extra before the ride (like a qt an hour for 2 hrs
or so before the start).

Do you use sports drinks to help with trace element losses? I use Exceed at
25% solution for the 1st half of long rides, orange juice at 25% for med
rides, and plain water for short rides.

What is your consumption rate during rides? I start drinking 30 mins into
the ride and drink a qt an hour whether I am thirsty or not. If you are
thirsty, it is probably getting pretty close to too late.

Do you eat while you ride? Things like bananas, oranges, and pears provide
fuel *and* coolant, along with some nifty minerals and such that your body
needs to make the cooling system work right. I eat fig newtons and such
right as I start and eat every 20-30 mins after the first hour. Pears,
particularly, are an easy-to-eat thirst slacker.

What kind of hydration regimen do you use *afterwards*? I immediately start
drinking at the end of a ride, starting with a quart of water followed by a
quart of full-strength sports drink (Exceed for me). I also find something
to eat that is high in complex carbohydrates. All this within the *first
hour* after the workout. The eating and drinking are intertwined. Then I
drink another quart of something that sounds appealing. Then I go back to
my drinking all day long to get my "normal" two quarts.

I might have thought I would slosh, but I never have. And most of my riding
is done at temps above 80 degs and in high humidity. If you are urinating
infrequently and the urine is a dark color, you are underhydrated, whether
you have exercised or not. No matter how much you sweat.
Archive-name: running-faq/part5
Last-modified: 10 Mar 2003
Posting-Frequency: 14 days


Nutrition in athletics is a very controversial topic. However, for an
athlete to have confidence that his/her diet is beneficial he/she must
understand the role each food component plays in the body's overall makeup.
Conversely, it is important to identify and understand the nutritional
demands on the physiological processes of the body that occur as a result
of racing and training so that these needs can be satisfied in the
athlete's diet.

For the above reasons, a basic nutrition primer should help the athlete
determine the right ingredients of his/her diet which fit training and
racing schedules and existing eating habits. The body requires three basic
components from foods: 1) water; 2) energy; and 3)nutrients.


Water is essential for life and without a doubt the most important
component in our diet. Proper hydrations not only allows the body to
maintain structural and biochemical integrity, but it also prevents
overheating, through sensible heat loss(perspiration). Many *runners* have
experienced the affects of acute fluid deficiency on a hot day, better
known as heat exhaustion. Dehydration can be a long term problem,
especially at altitude, but this does not seem to be a widespread problem
among *runners* and is only mentioned here as a reminder (but an important


Energy is required for metabolic processes, growth and to support physical
activity. The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences
has procrastinated in establishing a Recommended Daily Allowance(RDA) for
energy the reasoning being that such a daily requirement could lead to
overeating. A moderately active 70kg(155lb) man burns about 2700 kcal/day
and a moderately active 58kg(128lb) woman burns about 2500 kcal/day.

It is estimated that runners burn XXXX kcal/min or about ***-*** kcal/hr
while *running* (this is obviously dependent on the level of exertion).
Thus a three hour training *run* can add up to XXXX kcals(the public knows
these as calories) to the daily energy demand of the *runner*. Nutritional
studies indicate that there is no significant increase in the vitamin
requirement of the athlete as a result of this energy expenditure.

In order to meet this extra demand, the *runner* must increase his/her
intake of food. This may come before, during or after a *run* but most
likely it will be a combination of all of the above. If for some reason
extra nutrients are required because of this extra energy demand, they will
most likely be replenished through the increased food intake. Carbohydrates
and fats are the body's energy sources and will be discussed shortly.


This is a broad term and refers to vitamins, minerals, proteins,
carbohydrates, fats, fiber and a host of other substances. The body is a
very complex product of evolution. It can manufacture many of the resources
it needs to survive. However, vitamins, minerals and essential amino
acids(the building blocks of proteins) and fatty acids cannot be
manufactured, hence they must be supplied in our food to support proper

Vitamins and Minerals

No explanation needed here except that there are established RDA's for most
vitamins and minerals and that a well balanced diet, especially when
supplemented by a daily multivitamin and mineral tablet should meet all the
requirements of the cyclist.

Proper electrolyte replacement(sodium and potassium salts) should be
emphasized, especially during and after long, hot rides. Commercially
available preparations such as Exceed, Body Fuel and Isostar help replenish
electrolytes lost while *running*.


Food proteins are necessary for the synthesis of the body's
skeletal(muscle, skin, etc.) and biochemical(enzymes, hormones,
etc.)proteins. Contrary to popular belief, proteins are not a good source
of energy in fact they produce many toxic substances when they are
converted to the simple sugars needed for the body's energy demand.

Americans traditionally eat enough proteins to satisfy their body's
requirement. All indications are that increased levels of exercise do not
cause a significant increase in the body's daily protein requirement which
has been estimated to be 0.8gm protein/kg body weight.


Carbohydrates are divided into two groups, simple and complex, and serve as
one of the body's two main sources of energy.

Simple carbohydrates are better known as sugars, examples being fructose,
glucose(also called dextrose), sucrose(table sugar) and lactose(milk

The complex carbohydrates include starches and pectins which are
multi-linked chains of glucose. Breads and pastas are rich sources of
complex carbohydrates.

The brain requires glucose for proper functioning which necessitates a
carbohydrate source. The simple sugars are quite easily broken down to help
satisfy energy and brain demands and for this reason they are an ideal food
during racing and training. The complex sugars require a substantially
longer time for breakdown into their glucose sub units and are more suited
before and after riding to help meet the body's energy requirements.


Fats represent the body's other major energy source. Fats are twice as
dense in calories as carbohydrates(9 kcal/gm vs 4 kcal/gm) but they are
more slowly retrieved from their storage units(triglycerides) than
carbohydrates(glycogen). Recent studies indicate that caffeine may help
speed up the retrieval of fats which would be of benefit on long rides.

Fats are either saturated or unsaturated and most nutritional experts agree
that unsaturated, plant-based varieties are healthier. Animal fats are
saturated(and may contain cholesterol), while plant based fats such as corn
and soybean oils are unsaturated. Unsaturated fats are necessary to supply
essential fatty acids and should be included in the diet to represent about
25% of the total caloric intake. Most of this amount we don't really
realize we ingest, so it is not necessary to heap on the margarine as a
balanced diet provides adequate amounts.


Now that we have somewhat of an understanding of the role each food
component plays in the body's processes let's relate the nutritional
demands that occur during *running* in an attempt to develop an adequate
diet. Basically our bodies need to function in three separate areas which
require somewhat different nutritional considerations. These areas are: 1)
building; 2) recovery; and 3) performance.


Building refers to increasing the body's ability to perform physiological
processes, one example being the gearing up of enzyme systems necessary for
protein synthesis, which results in an increase in muscle mass, oxygen
transport, etc. These systems require amino acids, the building blocks of
proteins. Hence, it is important to eat a diet that contains quality
proteins (expressed as a balance of the essential amino acid sub units
present)fish, red meat, milk and eggs being excellent sources.

As always, the RDA's for vitamins and minerals must also be met but, as
with the protein requirement, they are satisfied in a well balanced diet.


This phase may overlap the building process and the nutritional
requirements are complimentary. Training and racing depletes the body of
its energy reserves as well as loss of electrolytes through sweat.
Replacing the energy reserves is accomplished through an increased intake
of complex carbohydrates(60-70% of total calories) and to a lesser extent
fat(25%). Replenishing lost electrolytes is easily accomplished through the
use of the commercial preparations already mentioned.


Because the performance phase(which includes both training *runs* and
racing)spans at most 5-7 hours whereas the building and recovery phases are
ongoing processes, its requirements are totally different from the other
two. Good nutrition is a long term proposition meaning the effects of a
vitamin or mineral deficiency take weeks to manifest themselves. This is
evidenced by the fact that it took many months for scurvy to show in
sailors on a vitamin C deficient diet. What this means is that during the
performance phase, the primary concern is energy replacement (fighting off
the dreaded "bonk") while the vitamin and mineral demands can be

Simple sugars such a sucrose, glucose and fructose are the quickest sources
of energy and in moderate quantities of about 100gm/hr(too much can delay
fluid absorption in the stomach) are helpful in providing fuel for the body
and the brain. Proteins and fats are not recommended because of their slow
and energy intensive digestion mechanism.

Short, *runs* or races of up to one hour in length usually require no
special nutritional considerations provided the body's short term energy
stores (glycogen) are not depleted which may be the case during *long*

Because psychological as well as physiological factors determine
performance most *runners* tend to eat and drink whatever makes them feel
"good" during a *run*. This is all right as long as energy considerations
are being met and the stomach is not overloaded trying to digest any fatty
or protein containing foods. If the vitamin and mineral requirements are
being satisfied during the building and recovery phases no additional
intake during the performance phase is necessary.


Basically, what all this means is that good nutrition for the *runner* is
not hard to come by once we understand our body's nutrient and energy
requirements. If a balanced diet meets the RDA's for protein, vitamins and
minerals as well as carbohydrate and fat intake for energy then everything
should be OK nutritionally. It should be remembered that the problems
associated with nutrient deficiencies take a long time to occur. Because of
this it is not necessary to eat "right" at every meal which explains why
weekend racing junkets can be quite successful on a diet of tortilla chips
and soft drinks. However, bear in mind that over time, the body's
nutritional demands must be satisfied. To play it safe many *runners* take
a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement tablet which has no adverse
affects and something I personally recommend. Mega vitamin doses(levels
five times or more of the RDA) have not been proven to be beneficial and
may cause some toxicity problems.


"Good" nutrition is not black and white. As we have seen, the body's
requirements are different depending on the phase it is in. While the
building and recovery phases occur somewhat simultaneously the performance
phase stands by itself. For this reason, some foods are beneficial during
one phase but not during another. A good example is the much maligned
twinkie. In the performance phase it is a very quick source of energy and
quite helpful. However, during the building phase it is not necessary and
could be converted to unwanted fat stores. To complicate matters, the
twinkie may help replenish energy stores during the recovery phase however,
complex carbohydrates are probably more beneficial. So, "one man's meat may
be another man's poison."


This term refers to the quantity of nutrients in a food for its
accompanying caloric(energy) value. A twinkie contains much energy but few
vitamins and minerals so has a low nutrient density. Liver, on the other
hand, has a moderate amount of calories but is rich in vitamins and
minerals and is considered a high nutrient density food.

Basically, one must meet his/her nutrient requirements within the
constraints of his/her energy demands. Persons with a low daily activity
level have a low energy demand and in order to maintain their body weight
must eat high nutrient density foods. As already mentioned, a *runner* has
an increased energy demand but no significant increase in nutrient
requirements. Because of this he/she can eat foods with a lower nutrient
density than the average person. This means that a *runner* can be less
choosy about the foods that are eaten provided he/she realizes his/her
specific nutrient and energy requirements that must be met.


Now, the definition of that nebulous phrase, "a balanced diet". Taking into
consideration all of the above, a diet emphasizing fruits and vegetables
(fresh if possible), whole grain breads, pasta, cereals, milk, eggs, fish
and red meat(if so desired) will satisfy long term nutritional demands.
These foods need to be combined in such a way that during the building and
recovery phase, about 60-70% of the total calories are coming from
carbohydrate sources, 25% from fats and the remainder(about 15%) from

It is not necessary to get 100% of the RDA for all vitamins and minerals at
every meal. It may be helpful to determine which nutritional requirements
you wish to satisfy at each meal. Personally, I use breakfast to satisfy
part of my energy requirement by eating toast and cereal. During lunch I
meet some of the energy, protein and to a lesser extent vitamin and mineral
requirements with such foods as yogurt, fruit, and peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches. Dinner is a big meal satisfying energy, protein, vitamin and
mineral requirements with salads, vegetables, pasta, meat and milk. Between
meal snacking is useful to help meet the body's energy requirement.


All this jiberish may not seem to be telling you anything you couldn't
figure out for yourself. The point is that "good" nutrition is not hard to
achieve once one understands the reasons behind his/her dietary habits.
Such habits can easily be modified to accommodate the nutritional demands
of *running* without placing any strict demands on one's lifestyle.

------------------------ Powerbars (John McClintic [email protected])

I submit "power bar" recipe originated by Bill Paterson from Portland Oregon.

The odd ingredient in the bar, paraffin, is widely used in chocolate
manufacture to improve smoothness and flowability, raise the melting point,
and retard deterioration of texture and flavor. Butter can be used instead,
but a butter-chocolate mixture doesn't cover as thinly or smoothly.