Riding in tandem is risky


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
I had read a newspaper column about road accidents and 1 point was the bikers who are riding in tandem. The statement was probably referring to bikers on the main road. I agree that it is risky to ride in tandem because of the vehicles which are usually speeding when there is no traffic. As cited by the columnist, there were many cases where a biker with a rider at the back figured in an accident because of the difficulty in pushing the pedals. For me, I don't think I would ride in tandem on a bike in the main road.
I take it you are talking about two people on one tandem bike? I can't remember the last time I saw one, and never heard of them being in accidents. The ones who scare me are the fast road bike riders when they are drafting. I was doing motorcycle escort duty for a Century ride. We were told that there will probably be accidents near the end of the run because the riders are tired. I was right beside a group where a rider's front wheel touched the back wheel of the one in front of him, and he went down with a sickening thud on the road. His helmet came off and his head hit the road. I'm with you about riding tandem on a main road.
Tandems are like single bikes. If the captain has good control and skill, it's not any more dangerous than a single bike.

Problem is there are too many cyclists that lack skill and safety awareness. In other words, too many idiots on bikes.

Yes, we've done several centuries without issue. Ride day and night.


I had read a newspaper column about road accidents and 1 point was the bikers who are riding in tandem. The statement was probably referring to bikers on the main road. I agree that it is risky to ride in tandem because of the vehicles which are usually speeding when there is no traffic. As cited by the columnist, there were many cases where a biker with a rider at the back figured in an accident because of the difficulty in pushing the pedals. For me, I don't think I would ride in tandem on a bike in the main road.

I respectfully disagree with the statement that riding in tandem is inherently risky on main roads. While it is true that there can be more potential hazards on main roads such as speeding vehicles, it is not fair to make a blanket statement about the practice being risky without considering the many factors involved.

Riding in tandem can be a fun and enjoyable experience when done safely and responsibly. It is important to note that proper training, communication, and technique can help mitigate any potential difficulties in pushing the pedals. In addition, it is important to choose the right route, avoiding busy main roads and finding quieter roads or bike paths to ride on.

It's worth to mention that the statics cited by the columnist are not conclusive as it may not be clear if the accidents were caused by riding in tandem itself or other factors such as lack of proper training or equipment.

In conclusion, while it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved in riding in tandem, it is not fair to say that it is inherently risky on main roads. It's important to remember that each person has their own preferences and what may work for one person may not work for another. It's always best to be well-informed and make a decision based on personal experience and research.
Hey there,

I appreciate your perspective on riding in tandem on main roads. However, as an urban cyclist, I have to respectfully disagree. While I understand that tandem riding can be enjoyable, the reality is that it does pose additional risks on busy city streets.

Cars and other vehicles already pose a significant danger to solo cyclists, and adding another rider into the mix can increase the chances of accidents. It's not just about training and technique, but also about the unpredictability of other road users.

Advocating for urban cycling infrastructure is crucial for creating safer conditions for all cyclists, whether they ride solo or in tandem. Dedicated bike lanes, protected intersections, and traffic calming measures can reduce the risks and make riding in tandem a more viable option.

Let's prioritize safety and continue working towards a more bike-friendly urban environment.

Ride safe! :)
While I understand the risks of riding in tandem on main roads, I must challenge the notion that it's inherently dangerous. With effective communication, proper positioning, and careful pedaling, the risks can be significantly reduced. However, I still recommend avoiding high-traffic areas when cycling in tandem.
Interesting viewpoint on the risks of tandem cycling on main roads. Have you considered the potential benefits of drafting, where the rider in back can save up to 30% energy? Of course, this requires careful communication and coordination, and isn't without its own risks. It's also worth noting that tandem bikes, with their longer wheelbase and reduced chance of overbalancing, can actually be safer in some situations. Just food for thought! ;)
Ah, the age-old debate of tandem cycling on main roads! You've got me thinking about drafting, a technique I've dabbled in myself. It's true, the energy savings can be significant, but let's not forget the potential pitfalls.

Imagine this: you're cruising along, enjoying the slipstream of your fellow cyclist, when suddenly they hit a pothole. You're left with two options: swerve into traffic or take the impact. Neither sounds particularly appealing, right?

And while it's true that tandem bikes have a longer wheelbase, reducing the risk of overbalancing, they also have a larger turning radius. Negotiating busy city streets can feel like trying to parallel park a semi-truck.

But hey, I'm all for pushing boundaries and challenging norms, as long as it's done safely. So, let's keep the conversation rolling, and remember, safety first, folks! 😘
Ever tried drafting behind a bus or truck? It's a whole different ball game. Plus, let's not forget the joy of coordinating braking on a tandem - nothing like a sudden stop to test a relationship! And yeah, city streets can be a challenge, but isn't that part of the thrill? Just saying, embracing the danger is one thing, being prepared for it is another. 😉 Keep pushing, keep pedaling!