Riding into the Sunrise: Caution Almost All MTB content



Another cool morning, I'm in my shop changing tires on the rss for the 9
a.m. rendevue with the old man, SO sticks her head in "you're on your own,
John called, he's sick" so dilema time.....do I go or do I stay?

7:45 a.m., a cold, for Phx, 40°F and I'm thinking strongly on bailing but
bike ride wins and I suit up. Out the door at 8 a.m......bbrrrrr, I'm a
wuss anymore. RSS feels spongy with the new Kinda Kinetics 2.3 sticky
compound tire on the front with 40 psi, still running 55 psi on the back but
way more responsive than the SB of yesterday's ride.

Hit the trail but can't see as I'm looking right into the morning sun as it
rises slightly over the mountain. I'm feeling the trail, hitting rocks
while I block the sun with one hand so as to avoid any hikers that may lurk
in my 12 oclock. This goes on for about a mile before I finally get back in
the shade.

I'm a little tired from yesterday and being all bundled up is so
restrictive. The trail has dried up considerably since yesterday as well,
not quite as sticky. Now that I can see the trail and obstacles I'm riding
quite a bit better, well enough to let more air out of the tires not fearing
that inevitably rear pinch flat that has loomed heavy in my mind every time
I ride the rss.

In and out of the shadows plays havic with visual perseption making one
react as one with the bike. I ride up, I ride down, do the bmx area in
several figure 8's to stretch out the ride and stay away from the push the
bike section that I'm not yet able to climb yet. Back on climb mode, lower
back burning, screaming, robbing power from each stroke of the pedal, I top
the climb and take a less travelled loop that I turn into an out and back,
enjoying the tight twisty turns in both directions...Another climb to the
water tank up a black top road, can't make it in straight line, serpentine
my way to the top....heavy, labored breathing, back is now out of
commission, most of the way home is down.

Passed a dozen or so runners/hikers but no other cyclists, no dog **** on
the tire today. I hit the base of Shaw Butte, stop, call John......"brew a
pot, I'll be there in less than 10 minutes ya sick *******". Shared a few
cups of drip with one of my favorite riding buds and headed home. Walked
into a house smelling of freshly baked pecan pies.

Life it just so damn good!

Hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as I did.

GeeDubb wrote:
> Another cool morning, I'm in my shop changing tires on the rss for the 9
> a.m. rendevue with the old man, SO sticks her head in "you're on your own,
> John called, he's sick" so dilema time.....do I go or do I stay?
> Passed a dozen or so runners/hikers but no other cyclists, no dog **** on
> the tire today. I hit the base of Shaw Butte, stop, call John......"brew a
> pot, I'll be there in less than 10 minutes ya sick *******". Shared a few
> cups of drip with one of my favorite riding buds and headed home. Walked
> into a house smelling of freshly baked pecan pies.
> Life it just so damn good!
> Hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as I did.
> Gary

Way to get after it. Now that's a great mtb'rs Christmas short story.
Did someone say "freshly baked pecan pies?"