Rip offs


New Member
Sep 9, 2011
I'm an engineer and i build my own bikes, are you all aware that the big manufactures are ripping you off, here's an instance, you are being forced to buy a complete new bottom bracket sealed unit when the bearings could be replaced, the standard 6002-RS costs a couple of quid, except they have had them made as specials and are non standard size, though they are marked up as 6002's. They're not even premium brand they're made in India by KNK, and cost pennies.

I might re- machine some units to take standard bearings, just to annoy Shimano.
It's only a rip-off if the manufacturer leads you to believe that the bearings can be serviced. Not checking beforehand about the serviceability of bearings is the customer's problem and does not a rip-off make. Moreover, there are tons of BB's out there from big manufacturers whose bearings can be serviced. Also, the majority of BB's if properly installed get long life out of their bearings. Since sealed bearings have been used in BB's since Magic/CODA brought them to the market in the early 90's, their behavior and durability are well known. You would think that given the nearly 20 years that have passed since sealed BB's hit the market, someone would have written a sizzling exposé, peeling back the corporate veil of secrecy to unveil to the public the ugly truth. I still haven't seen that story. For the record Shimano, with the exception of some Octolink BB's, has a solid service record with respect to its BB's. Internet forums are not red with the blood of Shimano customers gutted by the early deaths of their BB's.
Hi tadworth, probably ... ie. Shimano initially provided false marketing advise with the 670 & 7900 Groupsets by saying you could not upgrade from 6600/7800 to 6700/7900, then after a lot of noise from customers, suddenly, some components were upgradeable :)

Hi alienator, maybe ... maybe in the BB case mentioned above Shimano do not want you to use higher grade bearings in their cheaper components, which would then outperform their better components at a cheaper price and make Shimano's engineering look at little dubious. Ahhh, the marketing of it all ... fortunately there are Company's like Chris King and Hope :)
Originally Posted by alienator .

It's only a rip-off if the manufacturer leads you to believe that the bearings can be serviced. Not checking beforehand about the serviceability of bearings is the customer's problem and does not a rip-off make. Moreover, there are tons of BB's out there from big manufacturers whose bearings can be serviced. Also, the majority of BB's if properly installed get long life out of their bearings. Since sealed bearings have been used in BB's since Magic/CODA brought them to the market in the early 90's, their behavior and durability are well known. You would think that given the nearly 20 years that have passed since sealed BB's hit the market, someone would have written a sizzling exposé, peeling back the corporate veil of secrecy to unveil to the public the ugly truth. I still haven't seen that story. For the record Shimano, with the exception of some Octolink BB's, has a solid service record with respect to its BB's. Internet forums are not red with the blood of Shimano customers gutted by the early deaths of their BB's.

i just did expose it, it's not that sizzling though. If your fine with paying £40+ go ahead chuck it away, i've found the bearing for 34 p each.
No need. I've had my BB properly faced, and I installed my BB correctly. Therefore, my BBs last a long time. I haven't had a Shimano BB for a while, but I was aware--and about 3 seconds on Google will verify this--there are BB's that are Shimano compatible that aren't made by Shimano. The same is true for pretty much every "big name" BB maker.

Alas, there was never anything on which to do an explosive BB tell-all because the information was always in plain sight.

If anyone thinks their bottom brackets are wearing too quickly, there are sources online that give directions for properly installing and maintaining BBs. Likewise, any good shop mechanic will answer any questions a person might have about such things and might even show you maintenance and installation techniques. The Park Tool website has excellent instructions for just about anything a cyclist needs to do to a bike.
i don't see you have got the point i was making, it was that BB manufacturers are using special non standard sized bearings so that you cannot replace them yourselves, and have to throw a good axle and spacer tube away, and get stung for £40 quid,
i don't see you have got the point i was making, it was that BB manufacturers are using special non standard sized bearings so that you cannot replace them yourselves, and have to throw a good axle and spacer tube away, and get stung for £40 quid,
I got what you're saying, and the fact is, you don't have to throw stuff out. There are replacement bearings to be found. There are loads of BB's that can be had that have bearing sizes that blow your skirt up. Simple. Last I checked, you're not forced to buy any particular part for a bike. Your complaint is rare.
Originally Posted by tadworth .

I'm an engineer and i build my own bikes, are you all aware that the big manufactures are ripping you off, here's an instance, you are being forced to buy a complete new bottom bracket sealed unit when the bearings could be replaced, the standard 6002-RS costs a couple of quid, except they have had them made as specials and are non standard size, though they are marked up as 6002's. They're not even premium brand they're made in India by KNK, and cost pennies.

I might re- machine some units to take standard bearings, just to annoy Shimano.
It's a throw away world, they want you to spend money to keep you broke and the people working. I remember when people use to get toasters, radios, TV's etc repaired, now you just buy new ones because they can't be repaired. And Shimano is all about replacing the major part not the minor part that broke.
Originally Posted by tadworth .

I'm an engineer and i build my own bikes, are you all aware that the big manufactures are ripping you off, here's an instance, you are being forced to buy a complete new bottom bracket sealed unit when the bearings could be replaced, the standard 6002-RS costs a couple of quid, except they have had them made as specials and are non standard size, though they are marked up as 6002's. They're not even premium brand they're made in India by KNK, and cost pennies.

I might re- machine some units to take standard bearings, just to annoy Shimano.
Personally, I don't care where my stuff is made nor do I really care how much it costs. If it works well then it's good enough.

One constant I have noticed in your two posts on cyclingforums is that you're an oxygen thief of the highest order. If you have nothing better to do than whine and complain please feel free to feck off somewhere else...
Originally Posted by swampy1970 .

Personally, I don't care where my stuff is made nor do I really care how much it costs. If it works well then it's good enough.

One constant I have noticed in your two posts on cyclingforums is that you're an oxygen thief of the highest order. If you have nothing better to do than whine and complain please feel free to feck off somewhere else...
Cricky swampy1970, you know this is an old thread from last year ... :)
KLabs said:
Cricky swampy1970, you know this is an old thread from last year ...     :)
Swampy may have responded to the wrong thread by tadworth. Tadworth just recently started this thread:
I looked at the other thread first and saw the guy was yapping on like whining wench on the rag and thought "hmmmm, two posts" - I must have read the first diatribe and just had at it. The response fits with both rants.
Originally Posted by swampy1970 .

I looked at the other thread first and saw the guy was yapping on like whining wench on the rag and thought "hmmmm, two posts" - I must have read the first diatribe and just had at it.
The response fits with both rants.

One size fits all??? /img/vbsmilies/smilies/ROTF.gif