Scariest uni experience

Why are you guys so aggressive, and want to beat everybody up?

If you ride on streets wear reflective gear, so you are seen. If not, it
might be more or less your fault, if you're run over by a car.

Anyways, beating up people might never be the right thing to do, in my

Just my 2 cents...

wogri - I ride my bride
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speeding while on neiborhood streets while talking on the phone. I'm not
defending what I did- I did mention I was embarassed by my aproach, but
I don't like cell phones and female drivers (that's gonna **** everyone
off now, so I'm going to go listen to the Killers).

TheoELind - 5 year schwinn rider

Have you been peckish during the night? Only someone's been at me
- Wallace
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wogri wrote:
> *Why are you guys so aggressive, and want to beat everybody up?
> If you ride on streets wear reflective gear, so you are seen. If not,
> it might be more or less your fault, if you're run over by a car.
> Anyways, beating up people might never be the right thing to do, in my
> opinion.*

Reflective gear doesnt work during the day very well. The reason I
almost threw a rock through a window is because the guy did see me and
was honking his horn and acting like he was the best thing since sliced
bread. What I did do was ride out in front of him (he was driving quite
slow) and wave and smile like he was a fan of unicycling. His friend was
waving to me with his middle finger but it doesnt really make me mad but
I thought a rock through his window would be fun.

Tim - Jelly Bean Eater

Tim 'Braun' (

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My scariest expereince is easily when i was riding about to jump of a
five stair and while i was in mid hop i felt my pedal come really loose
and when i landed it came off and i basically fell 4 1/2 and impaled
"myself" so i guess it wasnt scariest but most painful i almost puked
seriously and i just wen home after that.

Another time it was all my fault i was on a daily ride at night while
listening to my mp3 plyer loudly going with trafic and i tried to turn
without lookin and i heard a muted horn when i turned and a car was
speeding at me abou 10 fet away and a did a super fast turn the opposite
way and some how stayed on i was really shooking up


Unitik908 - Level 5

"I am not gay although I wish I were, just to ******** homophobes"

--Kurt Cobain

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H'okay, so.... what was my scariest unicycle accident ever? Hmm.... I
dunno, I don't have very many. It's probably because I'm such a good
unicyclist, so I never screw up. Actually, it seems like the best
unicyclists are the ones who screw up the worst, doesn't it?

Well, I was almost hit by a car once on my Coker, I guess that works.

James_Potter - betcha can't stick it!
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I haven't really had ONE really scary moment I can think of. Instead
LOTS of the little moments where you just start to bail but you can see
its gonna turn nasty and it goes slo-mo and you can imagine the pedal
about to bash into your leg and you can see your arms and head falling
onto the rocks, and you imagine your arms lodging in at funny angles and
snapping....then I some how manage to get out of them...its my mind that
freaks me out, imagining whats not gong to happen.

munimanpete - a unicycle boy

** - -freshly updated-

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On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 21:09:33 -0600, "TheoELind" wrote:

>I don't like cell phones and female drivers

Do you mean in combination, or any one of the two?

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict
Today (29 December) is the last day this year that is neither the last day this year nor the last day this year that is not the last day this year.
Riding home from school one day there was a group of about 5 girls
coming the other way, so I thought instead of dismounting, or still
standing while they walked by I'd just ride off the curb, ride past, and
then hop back onto the sidewalk. There was a good 4 foot wide section
between the sidewalk and the traffic, so I wasn't worried... till as I
rode off I felt the jar and the clank of my pedal hitting the curb...
It's the only time I've done that and manage to stay on the uni...
Otherwise I would have been thrown into the path of a car doing about
40mph... damn rush hour...
The other time was after the first snow fall, I was riding on the
sidewalk, at an intersection a jeep cherokee rolled up to the stop sign,
I was at the curb when it happened, so I justkept riding... he or she
started pulling out when I was infront of the jeep, they locked their
brakes... I had to swerve out into traffic... stupid people not
checking for pedestrians... Granted I don't know what I count as in
Quebec, so I ride like I'm a pedestrian, and the cops haven't hastled me
yet ;)

evil-nick - Unicyclist, Linux Geek, & swell guy

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total
obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and
through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see
its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will

* Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.

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No scarey moments on the uni yet. I haven't been riding long enough.
But lots of scarey bicycle moments from way too aggressive drivers.
Seems that there's a fairly high percentage of drivers who feel that a
guy on a road bike wearing lycra is a worthy if not essential target for
their pent up anger. I once had a car pull up next to me, match my
speed and then start edging me off the road. I managed to kick a good
sized dent in his car. He sped away probably thinking he'd hit me. The
bicycle thing is a bit off topic but I was wondering if any of you
unicyclists have had scarey moments as a result of aggression.

underdog - level 1 rider

'I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody
tell you different' - Kurt Vonnegut
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One time I was jumping over this rock (rolling jump) and when I launched
off the whole seat post came flying out of the unicycle.

Worminton - That's my art.

Dude is to Man as "Fo scnizel my nizel" is to "i whole heartedly agree
my African American Brother."

I own a new Chromatic Harmonica.

-My brother screaming at a comercial for a washing machine.
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UniSam wrote:
> *hay i am a kid i am a lot youngwer then all of you and i would NEVER
> do that:mad: *

Dude, I'm eleven.

tylercox - 11-year-old UniDude!

If you can wheelwalk a giraffe backwards off a 10 foot jump while
balancing a Coker on your nose...I'll give you a nickel.

-Tyler Cox
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