Short tri bars - recommendations please



Have recently got a Giant TCR - excellent bike, very fast, and a very comfortable fit for road
riding. Have put my old Profile Century bars on it and find I am now too stretched out riding on the
full length of the bars. Instead I am more comfortable and can ride more powerfully when gripping
almost halfway down the bars, on the start of the first upward bend, level with the hoods. This
gives me a 90 degree bend at my elbows and what I would think is a fairly good aero position, but
not a comfortable place to grip the bars for any length of time. When on the full length of the bars
this angle increase to more like 120 degrees, I feel too stretched out, and my power and average
speed drops.

I am assuming I need shorter aero bars here. Any suggestions? This is for up to half IM distance
races and I also want to throw in a few road TT's. Has anyone used the 3TTT mini sub 8 bars on
longer events other than draft legal ones? Do the Profile Jammer bars still get you into a good aero
positin or are they fairly high?


The profile aerolites will put your elbows behind the handlebars, giving you the feel that you want.
Also, they are fully adjustable lengthwise, from very short to very long. They are also fully
adjustable in terms of width.

They do sit higher than other bars, but can be adjusted to be narrower than othe bars, or wider if
you prefer. In my humble opinion it is better to get narrower, than lower.


Have a look at the Syntace C2 streamliners. They place your elbows behind the handlebars stopping you from stretching out.

The elbow pads are nice and low, and width adjustment is good.

Although they have no length adjustment, they come in three lengths, and the fitting guide on the side of the box is a good quide. (My LBS let me take home two different sizes to test on my trainer overnight. The correct size was obvious pretty quickly.)

They are also lighter than most and simpler to install due to their very simple design.

Good luck,

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