Should you get a Free (Bicycle) Ride?

> > There's two ways to help the poor: TAXATION, which is rejected by many
> > people, and HELPING THE POOR HELP THEMSELVES, which is what I propose.

> Exactly. Give tools, not handouts.

OK, if we give them tools, like fishing rods, then we are teaching
them how to fish. At the same time we can turn the crank on those who
don't want to fish. And I don't mean the homeless should be working 8
hours either, but they could do some recycling, for example, to
sustain themselves. What's intolerable is that most parks in America
are occupied by the homeless. :(
> > One solution is the COOPERATIVE, where the poor can lift themselves
> > up, or "learn to fish." It can even happen in a small decentralized
> > government like that of Switzerland. It won't take any effort from
> > people like you. Your neutrality will be good enough.

> Decentralized government is good thing. It prevents too much power
> being in one place.

OK, the smaller the better so long as it gets things done. If it
doesn't, then we need to increase it a little bit.

> > This is what I propose...
> > Why not build a new system? That offers PROSPERITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE and
> > FREEDOM; that discards the defects of both Communism and Capitalism;
> > and that places the system at the service of the human being, and not
> > the other way around. Why not HUMANISM?

> Because as I grow older I find that in general, far too many humans
> cannot resist the urge to have power over others.

True. The same is true in communism and conservatism. And democratic
socialism may never work for America. Our bureaucracy is too corrupt
to begin with. ;)
> Lack of paragraph structure makes the rest hard to read...
> > There's political compass where people like you (Right Libertarian)
> > and me (Left Libertarian) both fall under the horizontal line that
> > reject AUTHORITY, what I call the "lion." In other words,
> > they--conservatives and communists--have a lion that hates COMPETITION
> > running the jungle. You don't hate COMPETITION, do you?

> I don't know what you call 'right and left libertarian'. However I hate
> the fact that *EVERYTHING* is a competition. IE, driving on the
> expressway shouldn't be a competition.

Well, I gather you are right libertarian placing emphasis on
competition, while I left libertarian place emphasis on cooperation.
Yet you and I should be able to compete and cooperate. If we agree to
disagree--we are both democratic, right?--then no harm done.

Actually I think the most dangerous animal is not the lion but the
fox. He manipulates behind the curtain, he wants monopoly...

As for the roads, the current chaos could be easily fixed with
enforcement on reckless driving, phone use, etc. while lifting speed
limits. We could COMPETE, but not based on size, but on skills.