South Downs near Amberley


sandy saunders

Another early morning jaunt on the South Downs, this time from near Chantry
Post on the South Downs Way. Icy on the car at 7:15 and showing -2C
outside. Great as I like a bit of a fresh walk. Whizzed along the A27 to
Fontwell, then along through Amberley and up to the car park on the South
Downs Way. Heading west by 8:00 over Rackham Hill and down to Downs Farm
above Amberley. Bit of a problem here as I couldn't find my next path
south, no markers and gates where I expected to go were wired closed. Not
wishing to upset farmers, I made a small detour along the back of Rackham
Hill then back south onto my planned route. Arrived at Wepham village, then
headed east over Wepham Down, around Harrow Hill on to Myrte Grove Farm then
north over Blackpatch Hill. Eventually arriving back on the South Downs way
at Chantry Post. Just over a mile west and I was back at the car.
Excellent 15 mile circuit, although the weather was brighter back home near
Portsmouth .... never mind.

A selection of photos from along the route at

And, a new facility for the walkers of the South Downs Way, see .... how novel!

Sandy Saunders @

'Mountains or Mole Hills .....
summiting still brings the
same excitement'