The Amygdala and Human Evolution. A connection????


James Michael H

The Amygdala and Human Evolution…. A connection????

In 1985, I copyrighted "A Theory of the Control of the Ontogeny and Phylogeny of **** sapiens by the
Interaction of Dehydroepiandrosterone and the Amygdala." I had difficulty researching my ideas
regarding DHEA and the amygdala, so I focused on DHEA. Anyway I was pleased to find the following,
new article which shows that I may have been on the right path in my selection of the amygdala.

Annals of Neurology 2004 Jan; 55(1): 87-96.

Baird AD, Wilson SJ, Bladin PF, Saling MM, Reutens DC.

School of Behavioural Science, Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,

The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the amygdala and

neurologically normal subjects. Forty-five patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy who
underwent surgical resection in the Comprehensive Epilepsy Program at the Austin and Repatriation
Medical Centre completed a semistructured

analyses of both amygdalae were conducted on the patients' preoperative
T(1)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scans and those of 46 neurologically

significantly larger amygdalar volume contralateral to the site of their

subjects. There was a significant positive relationship between contralateral

patients undergoing temporal lobe resection. This finding provides evidence for

contralateral amygdala may contribute to the expression of increased or improved

James Michael Howard