The bike as the best invention - chance to ensure it remains so


David Hansen

From another place I read the following:


The sponsor of the BBC "You and Yours" Radio 4 project to elect the
best invention was disappointed that the bicycle came out top.
Another vote is being held after various invention champions had
another say. Here's a chance to see the field - which includes our
beloved internal combustion engine - and cast your vote:


How arrogant of the BBC to decide that they don't agree with those
who voted earlier.

Feel free to use your vote for whichever invention you think is
best. If you decide the bike is not the best invention then you have
the following you can vote for:

Communications satellite
Electro-magnetic induction ring
Germ theory of infection
Internal combustion engine
Nuclear power

David Hansen, Edinburgh | PGP email preferred-key number F566DA0E
I will always explain revoked keys, unless the UK government
prevents me by using the RIP Act 2000.
David Hansen wrote:

> How arrogant of the BBC to decide that they don't agree with those
> who voted earlier.

<snip again>
> Internal combustion engine

The survey includes the question: "Which technology would you most like
to disinvent?" :)

Danny Colyer (the UK company has been laughed out of my reply address)
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine
David Hansen came up with the following;:
> From another place I read the following:
> ===================================================================
> The sponsor of the BBC "You and Yours" Radio 4 project to elect the
> best invention was disappointed that the bicycle came out top.
> Another vote is being held after various invention champions had
> another say. Here's a chance to see the field - which includes our
> beloved internal combustion engine

Well, I love the Internal Combuston Engine, but wouldn't vote for it as 'the
best invention', that would still be the bicycle.

Paul ...
(8(|) Homer Rules ..... Doh !!!
David Hansen wrote:

> The sponsor of the BBC "You and Yours" Radio 4 project to elect the
> best invention was disappointed that the bicycle came out top.

That was IIRC presented as best invention in each of several categories.
ISTR voting for the bike in the transport category, and other things
in other categories.

> Another vote is being held after various invention champions had
> another say. Here's a chance to see the field - which includes our
> beloved internal combustion engine - and cast your vote:

No telephone? Refrigeration? Washing machine (big wimmins-lib icon
should make it beloved of the beeb)? Electricity grid?

Hmmm ...

Nick Kew
On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 19:06:14 +0100 someone who may be Nick Kew
<[email protected]> wrote this:-

>No telephone? Refrigeration? Washing machine (big wimmins-lib icon
>should make it beloved of the beeb)? Electricity grid?

ISTR electricity was in the original BBC poll.

David Hansen, Edinburgh | PGP email preferred-key number F566DA0E
I will always explain revoked keys, unless the UK government
prevents me by using the RIP Act 2000.
"David Hansen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 19:06:14 +0100 someone who may be Nick Kew
> <[email protected]> wrote this:-
>>No telephone? Refrigeration? Washing machine (big wimmins-lib icon
>>should make it beloved of the beeb)? Electricity grid?

> ISTR electricity was in the original BBC poll.
> --
> David Hansen, Edinburgh | PGP email preferred-key number F566DA0E
> I will always explain revoked keys, unless the UK government
> prevents me by using the RIP Act 2000.

If you complete the opinion poll you get the oportunity to rank a few other
technological advances (or not)

MartinM wrote:
> David Hansen wrote:

> > Germ theory of infection

> a bit of a joker in the pack, probably the most important of that
> list but not an invention as such; much like fire.

A theory is hardly an invention even if it's correct. The introduction
of hand washing for doctors by Semmelweiss might count, but even that's
not an invention, merely the introduction of a good practice -
strenuously resisted by the profession in this case. Hand washing was
not new, only the association of dirty hands with the spread of
infection. The introduction of antisepsis by Lister might have a claim,
but even there there is prior art. The Romans used wine as an
antiseptic, for example.

MartinM wrote:
> David Hansen wrote:
>> Germ theory of infection

> a bit of a joker in the pack, probably the most important of that list
> but not an invention as such; much like fire.

The poll says "What has been the most significant technological
*innovation* since 1800?", not *invention*.

An idea, a new way of thinking or a new theory are all
"innovations", ISTM.


Remove the -not from email
On 19 Apr 2005 03:27:41 -0700 someone who may be "dkahn400"
<[email protected]> wrote this:-

>The introduction
>of hand washing for doctors by Semmelweiss might count, but even that's
>not an invention, merely the introduction of a good practice -
>strenuously resisted by the profession in this case. Hand washing was
>not new, only the association of dirty hands with the spread of

There seems to be some sort of beauty contest going on at the moment
amongst party politicians. I am sure I have heard some of them
babbling on about the need for (some) nurses, doctors and the rest
to learn to wash their hands. This is not some historical thing,
they are talking about 2005.

David Hansen, Edinburgh | PGP email preferred-key number F566DA0E
I will always explain revoked keys, unless the UK government
prevents me by using the RIP Act 2000.
David Hansen wrote:

> There seems to be some sort of beauty contest going on at the moment
> amongst party politicians. I am sure I have heard some of them
> babbling on about the need for (some) nurses, doctors and the rest
> to learn to wash their hands. This is not some historical thing,
> they are talking about 2005.

One does wonder at some "health professionals". Just done with my
lunchtime swim, coming out of the block it's in some folk from the
school of Nursing & Midwifery are smoking just outside the entrance. I
ask them to please go along to the smoking shelter rather than just by
the No Smoking In This Area sign, they say okay and I'm on my way. I
look back after 50m and no movement, so back I go, pointing out that
moving to the smoking shelter does actually involve them moving to the
smoking shelter. The response:

"What? Right now?"

Is there any hope?

Peter Clinch Medical Physics IT Officer
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Univ. of Dundee, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
net [email protected]
Peter Clinch wrote:

> I look back after 50m and no movement, so back I go, pointing
> out that moving to the smoking shelter does actually involve
> them moving to the smoking shelter. The response:
> "What? Right now?"

Oh no, of course not. Wait till you've finished your cigarettes,
children. Duh!

> Is there any hope?

Well at least they didn't pull out knives and stab you to death.

Peter Clinch wrote:
> Jeremy Collins wrote:
> > The poll says "What has been the most significant technological
> > *innovation* since 1800?", not *invention*.
> >
> > An idea, a new way of thinking or a new theory are all
> > "innovations", ISTM.

> Then shurely we will find an answer in the old Innovations
> catalogue! ;-)

Then it's no contest. It has to be the gadget for shaving fluffy bits
off your jumper. Comt to think of it though, they do have a nifty CO2
tyre inflator.
