Tinus Tinus, From Anorexia to Gold

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Bruce Johnston

Tinus Tinus, From Anorexia to Gold with Leontien Zijlaard Van Moorsel is a Dutch Production never
shown here in America as far as I know. It is about the life and times of LZ-VM and her quest for
Olympic gold at the 2000 Sydney games down under. Part one [Tinus-1.mpg] is 284 megs. Part two is
coming. Working on a mirror, so be patient. Last Clip from Sydney posted almost melted the server.
Should have part-two [Tinus-2.mpg] on line in a few days. Keep a lookout for the post. The whole
thing will also be posted in a few days which is about 570 megs, 38 minutes, [Tinus.mpg] We are
working on translating the script from Dutch into English, but seeing the video without English
still speaks a thousand works. Post the script in a few weeks.

I had a lot of requests for this one since the last clip. Lots of Dads out there want their
daughters to see this one. I have gotten quite a few emails from women too, so I finally got it for
them. I enjoyed this one a lot. This one is way better then the first one, so I expect a meltdown.
Hopefully I can get the mirror going before the bandwidth is blown out. Hope to have this clip
posted for a couple of days at least or more. I will post the mirror as soon as it comes online with
part one and two, plus the whole thing in one part. Also clips from Spain of LZ-VM and other clips.
Post the FTP address in a few days.

Part one is available now at...



Broadband connections are best for fast download, but with 56k modem, it would take about two days,
with [resume] downloading to get all of the first part. Right click and use [save target as] to save
to your hard drive for PC's.


Support Women's cycling by requesting [WCP] World Cycling Productions to produce Women's Pro Road
Racing videos at...

[email protected]

They have an active interest in promoting women's cycling but they won't commit to make some videos
like [TDF] Tour De Femmes, Worlds, or other classic races such as showdowns between Longo and LZ-VM
and a whole host of other races until they get more requests. Of course not to exclude the top women
here in American as well, Brucker, Jeanson, Holden, Brandli, Laura Van Glider, and a host of others
in some well made videos that folks could access here in the US. I would hope that WCP could at
least do a few videos on the legends of women cycling. There are a group of us that are dedicated to
Women's cycling including writers, photographers, journalists and freelancers who support the women.

You emails to WCP will make all the different in the world. Even if you hate WCP, they have the
resources to get the job done probably more then anyone else.

Also you can send requests to Andréa Richard at the EStournal company. French Cycling Tour is an
independent organization and are owners of all TV rights.


Send your requests to Andréa Richard at [email protected] and ask the French to release this
footage of the Tour De Femmes for production.


"Bruce Johnston" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...

> Support Women's cycling by requesting [WCP] World Cycling Productions to produce Women's Pro Road
> Racing videos at...

So on one hand you complain that there aren't enough companies producing videos about women's
cycling, and on the other hand you **** over one of the companies that does, by posting their
production on the `net, violating their copyright. Or do you have their permission?
It's not my mirror that was interested in carrying the clip. The host is doing it out of his own
interest. I just shared with him what I had. He is doing all the posting out of his interest to help
womens cycling and providing a clip that most cyclists wouldn't otherwise have access to. We asked
OLN is they be interested in hosting the film and gave them the address for the source. But since
it's in Dutch, I doubt it will ever make it in English to cable channels. WCP would probably not
carry the Dutch one since it needs translation.



" Tim Mullin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Bruce Johnston" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> > Support Women's cycling by requesting [WCP] World Cycling Productions to produce Women's Pro
> > Road Racing videos at...
> So on one hand you complain that there aren't enough companies producing videos about women's
> cycling, and on the other hand you **** over one of
> companies that does, by posting their production on the `net, violating their copyright. Or do you
> have their permission?
" Tim Mullin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:%[email protected]...
> "Bruce Johnston" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> > It's not my mirror that was interested in carrying the clip. The host is doing it out of his own
> > interest. I just shared with him what I had. He
> > doing all the posting out of his interest to help womens cycling and providing a clip that most
> > cyclists wouldn't otherwise have access to.
> So, this guy you're "sharing" with owns the copyright, right?

It's his own personal choice to do whatever he wants to do with the clips. I just shared them with
him because he has an interest in the videos clips. He wants to post them on his server. I don't
have the room on my server neither do I have the bandwidth, neither do I need any flames so I will
let him deal with it. As for the rights you have to ask him.

"Bruce Johnston" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...

> It's his own personal choice to do whatever he wants to do with the clips.
> just shared them with him because he has an interest in the videos clips.

So you help him, knowing what he was going to do, and you promoted what he's done, but you really
don't have anything to do with it? Are you really so dense you cannot see the connection, or are you
just lying to yourself?

> As for the rights you have to ask him.

Oh yeah, I am sure he owns the copyright if he has to borrow your copy.
" Tim Mullin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Bruce Johnston" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> > It's his own personal choice to do whatever he wants to do with the
> I
> > just shared them with him because he has an interest in the videos
> So you help him, knowing what he was going to do, and you promoted what
> done, but you really don't have anything to do with it? Are you really so dense you cannot see the
> connection, or are you just lying to yourself?
> > As for the rights you have to ask him.
> Oh yeah, I am sure he owns the copyright if he has to borrow your copy.

That's his choice.

He contacted me and that's his choice. He is not selling it. You probably buy videos from
Bicivideo.com and they don't have copyrights. I have got some from those guys which otherwise would
never been able to get. Likewise this little clip will never be shown in US either, so if he want to
share it, it's up to him. I am sure he could find the clip elsewhere if he wanted.

But all this sidetracks from my original post which is once again your intentions, which I remember
from the last time I ran into you somewhere. Fred is probably still wondering what you were doing in
that chat room.

"Bruce Johnston" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...

> He contacted me and that's his choice. He is not selling it. You probably

Likewise, you made a choice to help him, knowing what he intended to do. It's kind of like when my
friend said he wanted to rob the liquor store, and asked if he could borrow my SIG P 210....by your
way of thinking, I should have loaned it to him. After all, it's his choice, right?

> buy videos from Bicivideo.com and they don't have copyrights.

Which is exactly why I don't do business with them.

> But all this sidetracks from my original post which is once again your intentions, which I
> remember from the last time I ran into you somewhere.

No, pointing out the fact that you're ****ing someone over is not a sidetrack, it goes directly to
the point of your original post. You *****ed about how WCP doesn't offer coverage of women's
cycling. At the same time you help your friend rip off a company that has spent time and money
(probably considerable amounts of both) covering one aspect of women's cycling. You can't see how
****ing stupid that is? Probably not....

BTW, if you wanted, you could probably do this whole thing legally, make the production more
accessable to the english-speaking audience, and turn a small profit for everyone involved. Hell, if
you wanted, you could even use your chunk of the proceeds to support women's cycling here in the US.
The whole process would be fairly painless, cheap, and stupid simple. If not for women's cycling
being about the most boring ****ing thing I've every seen, I might just do it myself.
" Tim Mullin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
buy videos from Bicivideo.com and they don't have copyrights.
> Which is exactly why I don't do business with them.


That's you choice. Many here do buy videos from them and that's their choice. As far as WCP, they
might make videos if they got requests. Some have said that they don't like WCP, but I never said
that. I bought a lot from them including all the Tours for Men from 89 to 2001. I got some from
bicivideo.com that will probably never be released here anytime soon. Same goes with the Dutch clip,
I bought the tape from another source just like bicivideo, so it's not a big deal to me.

I am sure [you] have never bought a tape or music cd, floppy, data cd, or loaned, borrowed or
traded, gave to a friend, or anything related like that? If you say no then you are being
hypocritical. If you say yes then you must be a angel. And whoever you loaned it to, taped it and
did whatever he wanted with it.

> BTW, if you wanted, you could probably do this whole thing legally, make
> production more accessible to the english-speaking audience, and turn a small profit for everyone
> involved. Hell, if you wanted, you could even
> your chunk of the proceeds to support women's cycling here in the US. The whole process would be
> fairly painless, cheap, and stupid simple. If not
> women's cycling being about the most boring ****ing thing I've every seen,
> might just do it myself.

As for producing the tape, that's too time consuming and expensive. I just got it to see it, and
share with a few friends. Yes women's cycling is compared to Lawn bowling but that's changing slowly
with more coverage, more advertising and more interest here and abroad. As for women's cycling
videos there is not one single production that I know of except this little Dutch one. I know of no
others except Bicivideo. WCP carries only the men. But considering the number of downloads on the
clip I would say that a lot of people are interested in it and they can do their part by requesting
WCP and others to consider making some videos on Pro Womens Races and I am sure they are. No thanks
to you, so go find another thread to cause trouble in.

ok, let's move on.

"Bruce Johnston" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...

> I am sure [you] have never bought a tape or music cd, floppy, data cd, or loaned, borrowed or
> traded, gave to a friend, or anything related like that?

Sure, everyone has, but here is the difference....

> be a angel. And whoever you loaned it to, taped it and did whatever he wanted with it.

....when I have done it, it was not with the full knowledge and intent that that person would copy
it. In fact, if I knew they were going to distribute pirated matter over the internet, I would go to
great effort to dissuade them from doing it. And anyways, I think your "friend" is just some
******** lie you made up. Look at your original post:

"I had a lot of requests for this one since the last clip. Lots of Dads out there want their
daughters to see this one. I have gotten quite a few emails from women too, so I finally got it
for them."

"This one is way better then the first one, so I expect a meltdown. Hopefully I can get the mirror
going before the bandwidth is blown out."

"I will post the mirror as soon as it comes online with part one and two, plus the whole thing in
one part."

Unless your friend's name is "I", it doesn't sound like he did much, and you're doing the
whole thing.

> As for producing the tape, that's too time consuming and expensive. I just

Yes, it is time consuming and expensive....that's why I object to what you're doing.

> got it to see it, and share with a few friends. Yes women's cycling is compared to Lawn bowling
> but that's changing slowly with more coverage,
> advertising and more interest here and abroad. As for women's cycling

Let me see if I get this, women's cycling IS boring, but more advertising and viewers will somehow
make it exciting? When was the last time you were watching the telly and thought, "God, this show
sucks! If only there were more commercials, and a few more of my neighbors were watching, it would
be completely brilliant!"

> there is not one single production that I know of except this little Dutch one. I know of no
> others except Bicivideo. WCP carries only the men. But considering the number of downloads on the
> clip I would say that a lot of

So first you say you only share it with one friend, and you don't know what he does with it. Then
you say you share "with a few friends." Now, you say a lot of people download your stuff. What is
it, fact boy?

> people are interested in it and they can do their part by requesting WCP
> others to consider making some videos on Pro Womens Races and I am sure they are.

It might surprise you to find out I am one of those people who has considered making those videos.
Over the last couple decades I have shot a number of women's pro road, mountian, and cyclocross
races, and have a couple of hours of interviews with the women in those races. Now, I could put all
that together in the form of a DVD or two, and sell it for about $30. Of course, once you account
for getting licensed music, paying voice talent, a graphic artist, production, materials, and
distribution....well, you get the picture. Even on the cheap, I'd have to move at least 100 copies
to break even, and that's forgiving all the hours I'd put into producing, writing, and editing it.
Include that, and I'd have to sell a few hundred more to make it worthwhile. And you know what?
Selling even 400 copies to break even is a **** shoot with a fringe topic like this one. And what am
I up against? ****ers like you and Bici video who just might my copy it and resell it, or put it on
the net for free. So perhaps even you can see why most of this tape will never do anything more than
sit in my basement until I get tired of it taking up space, and throw it out.

> No thanks to you, so go find another thread to cause trouble in.

But I like this one....
"Bruce Johnston" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> " Tim Mullin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> buy videos from Bicivideo.com and they don't have copyrights.
> >
> > Which is exactly why I don't do business with them.
> I am sure [you] have never bought a tape or music cd, floppy, data cd, or loaned, borrowed or
> traded, gave to a friend, or anything related like that? If you say no then you are being
> hypocritical. If you say yes then you
> be a angel. And whoever you loaned it to, taped it and did whatever he wanted with it.

Tim Mullin is known the world over as a moral, upright ethical wonder-man who is second (and barely)
only to Jesus in his conduct.
"Tom Kunich" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> Tim Mullin is known the world over as a moral, upright ethical wonder-man who is second (and
> barely) only to Jesus in his conduct.

Compared to me, Jesus is immoral and unethical. He makes me sick. If here were here right now, I'd
kick his ass!
"Tom Kunich" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Bruce Johnston" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> >
> > " Tim Mullin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > >
> > buy videos from Bicivideo.com and they don't have copyrights.
> > >
> > > Which is exactly why I don't do business with them.
> >
> > I am sure [you] have never bought a tape or music cd, floppy, data cd, or loaned, borrowed or
> > traded, gave to a friend, or anything related
> > that? If you say no then you are being hypocritical. If you say yes then you
> must
> > be a angel. And whoever you loaned it to, taped it and did whatever he wanted with it.
> Tim Mullin is known the world over as a moral, upright ethical wonder-man who is second (and
> barely) only to Jesus in his conduct.

Jesus isn't that ethical - he tossed my salad for $10.
" Tim Mullin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Tom Kunich" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Tim Mullin is known the world over as a moral, upright ethical
> > who is second (and barely) only to Jesus in his conduct.
> Compared to me, Jesus is immoral and unethical. He makes me sick. If here were here right now, I'd
> kick his ass!


I would still like to know the question that Fred asked you which was [what were you doing in the
chat room for Necro Morphodites?] If you were in there then that is the sickest thing that can
possibly be imagined! Proves you are no angel!


In article <[email protected]>, "Juan Ligaya"
<[email protected]> wrote:

> "Tom Kunich" <[email protected]> wrote in message

> >
> > Tim Mullin is known the world over as a moral, upright ethical wonder-man who is second (and
> > barely) only to Jesus in his conduct.
> Jesus isn't that ethical - he tossed my salad for $10.

How much extra to step it up to a rusty trombone?

tanx, Howard

remove YOUR SHOES to reply, k?

For some people, quantity IS quality...
"Bruce Johnston" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> I would still like to know the question that Fred asked you which was
> were you doing in the chat room for Necro Morphodites?] If you were in
> then that is the sickest thing that can possibly be imagined! Proves you
> no angel!

Dude, Boyd was joking. I was joking. You'd have to be utterly humorless, utterly clueless, or both
to not figure that one out.
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