trainingpeaks/cyclingpeaks ?


New Member
Jun 29, 2006
I recently purchased a PT 2.4 and cycling peaks software. Am I able to upload data and store it on training peaks? I am pretty sure I have to pay(like motionbased with gps)to store my files online.

My biggest question is, is trainingpeaks worth uploading files to? Are there anymore graphs/training tools/analysis to be had after uploading that cyclingpeaks doesnt do for you on your own computer?

Just curious. I am so used to using motionbased for my garmin edge 305, I feel like I am missing out on something.

Unless you need to share powerfiles via Trainingpeaks, it doesn't provide any functionality you don't already get with Cyclingpeaks (in fact it provides much less in the means of power file analysis). The only reason you would need trainingpeaks is to work with a coach using it or to get access to Virtual Coach or the prebuilt training plans available.
Thanks Nomad! Thats what I figured. I am a data junkie and am used to uploading stuff on motionbased and not my hard drive. For some reason I was thinking training peaks offered more analysis than the cyclingpeaks program.