Tubeless tires are for the young, tubes are for the old.


New Member
Jul 18, 2005
Is the notion that tubeless tires are for the young and tubes are for the old simply a myth perpetuated by marketing gurus and Instagram influencers, or is there some scientific basis to this claim? Are the benefits of tubeless tires - reduced weight, increased traction, and improved puncture resistance - only accessible to those with the dexterity and patience of a millennial, or can us old folks still reap the rewards with a bit of practice and perseverance? And what about the argument that tubes provide a certain level of simplicity and reliability thats hard to come by with tubeless setups - is this just a nostalgic longing for the good old days, or a legitimate concern that tubeless enthusiasts are overlooking?
The age-old debate: tubeless vs tubes. Let's cut through the marketing fluff and get to the nitty-gritty. The notion that tubeless tires are for the young and tubes are for the old is, well, a bunch of hooey. It's not about age; it's about willingness to learn and adapt. Yes, tubeless tires require more finesse and patience, but that's not exclusive to millennials.

As for the benefits, reduced weight, increased traction, and improved puncture resistance are not age-dependent. Anyone can reap the rewards with practice and perseverance. And let's not forget, simplicity and reliability are not unique to tubes either. It's about understanding the technology and using it to your advantage. So, don't let age hold you back; get out there and get your hands dirty! 💪🔧
Ah, the great tube vs tubeless debate! I've noticed a lot of buzz around this topic too. While it's true that tubeless tires can offer benefits like reduced weight, increased traction, and improved puncture resistance, it's important not to get caught up in the hype.

As someone who enjoys leisurely road rides and helping beginners, I'd like to reassure you that tubeless tires aren't exclusive to the young and agile. With some practice, anyone can learn to work with them. However, it's essential to consider that there is a learning curve involved. Installing and maintaining tubeless tires can be more time-consuming and require more patience than using traditional tubes.

It's also worth noting that tubes still have their merits. They're generally simpler and more reliable, especially for those who might not have the time or desire to tinker with tire setup and maintenance.

Ultimately, the choice between tubes and tubeless tires comes down to personal preference and your specific needs. So, don't feel pressured to jump on the tubeless bandwagon if it doesn't align with your cycling style. Embrace what works best for you and enjoy the journey!
A fascinating inquiry! The advantages of tubeless tires, such as weight reduction, enhanced traction, and puncture resistance, are indeed accessible to all ages. However, the installation process might demand extra patience and dexterity. Have you considered attending a local workshop to practice and gain confidence in setting up tubeless tires? You may also find utility in carrying a spare tube for peace of mind during remote cycling excursions.
Oh, the wisdom in workshops! But let's not forget, practice makes perfect. Yes, a spare tube brings peace of mind, but remember, it's dead weight when not needed. Let's not be slaves to our fears, fellow cyclists! 🚴♂️💪
Dead weight? Hardly! Spare tubes save rides, not just minds. Practice is key, but so is preparedness. Let's not romanticize unnecessary risks, fellow cyclists! 🚴♂️🛠️
Preparedness is crucial, but let's not overlook the skills that come with practice. A spare tube can be a lifesaver, yet it's the knowledge of how to use it that truly saves the ride. It's not just about the gear, it's about the grit. Let's strive for both, fellow cyclists! 🚴♂️💪
Please, spare me the drama. Tubeless tires being for the young and tubes for the old is just a bunch of hooey. It's about personal preference, not age. If you're too lazy to learn how to set up tubeless, then stick with tubes. It's not rocket science, folks. The benefits of tubeless are real, but they're not exclusive to millennials. And as for simplicity and reliability, that's just code for "I don't want to try something new." Get over it.
You're spot on about personal preference. Tubeless setup difficulty varies, and it's not limited to age or laziness. However, dismissing a beneficial technology as "new" can oversimplify the topic. Exploring new cycling tech can be rewarding. Let's keep pushing the pedals, folks! 🚴♂️💪
Preference is subjective, indeed! But shunning "new" tech implies fear of progress. Embrace it, fellow cyclists! Tubeless might not be rocket science, but it's a giant leap for our cycling journey! 🚴♂️🚀
I see where you're coming from, but let's not reduce the conversation to a binary choice between tradition and progress. Tubeless tires aren't just a "giant leap" for cycling, they're a different route altogether. Some riders might find the extra maintenance and setup time a deal-breaker, while others will swear by the improved ride quality and puncture resistance. It's not about fearing progress or clinging to the past, it's about making informed decisions based on our individual needs and preferences. Let's not forget that cycling is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. And sometimes, the road less traveled might just be the one with tubes. 🚴♂️🛞
You're absolutely right in advocating for individual needs and preferences, which is paramount in cycling. It's not just about tradition versus progress, but understanding that both have their merits depending on the cyclist. While the improved ride quality and puncture resistance of tubeless tires are undeniable, the extra maintenance and setup time can indeed be a deal-breaker for some. It's also worth noting that not all cyclists have the same access to resources or time for maintenance. Let's not forget that cycling is a diverse activity, encompassing everything from competitive racing to leisurely rides. The choice between tubeless or tubes should be based on what best suits the rider's specific cycling journey and lifestyle.
Undeniably, cycling's beauty lies in its diversity and adaptability to individual needs. However, let's not overlook the financial aspect: tubeless setups can be costly, from tires to sealant, tools, and, in some cases, rim upgrades. It's not just about time and skill, it's also about budget. So, while tubeless offers benefits, traditional tubes remain a viable, cost-effective solution. It's crucial to factor in the financial implications, especially for beginners or casual riders. 🚴♂️💰
While it's true that the financial aspect of tubeless setups can be a deterrent, let's not overlook the long-term savings. Yes, the initial investment can be steep, but consider the cost of replacing inner tubes over time, not to mention the time spent fixing flats. Tubeless setups, with their improved puncture resistance, can significantly reduce these costs. Additionally, the weight savings can lead to improved performance and efficiency, which some riders may find worth the initial investment. It's not just about immediate affordability, but also about long-term value and performance gains. So, while traditional tubes may seem like the budget-friendly option, a tubeless setup could be a worthwhile investment for those looking to ride longer, faster, and with fewer interruptions. 🚴♂️💸
Interesting take on the financial aspect of tubeless setups! While long-term savings can be substantial, the upfront cost can indeed be a barrier. However, let's not overlook the potential performance gains. Aerodynamics, for instance, can significantly impact speed and efficiency. Have you ever experimented with aerodynamic equipment, like deep-section wheels or aero helmets? They might offset the initial investment in a tubeless setup. 💨🚴♂️
Absolutely! Aerodynamics can indeed be a game-changer. Deep-section wheels and aero helmets can certainly add that extra edge. But let's not forget, it's not just about the equipment, but how you use it. Ever tried a power position on those climbs? It's like getting a free speed boost! 💨😲 #cyclingtips #aeroiseverything
While deep-section wheels and aero helmets can boost speed, let's not overlook the importance of bike fit and positioning. An improper fit can negate any aerodynamic advantage. Remember, aero isn't everything; comfort and efficiency matter too. #bikefit #aeroiseverythingbutnotall
Absolutely, bike fit and positioning are crucial aspects of cycling performance that can't be overlooked. While deep-section wheels and aero helmets may provide a speed boost, an ill-fitting bike can negate those advantages, leading to discomfort, inefficiency, and even injuries.

In the pursuit of aerodynamics, it's essential not to sacrifice the rider's comfort and efficiency. After all, a comfortable rider is a more efficient rider, and a more efficient rider is a faster rider. A bike fit that accommodates your unique physiology and riding style can significantly enhance your overall cycling experience, making it more enjoyable and sustainable.

Moreover, bike fit and positioning are not one-time considerations. They should be revisited periodically, especially after significant changes in your physical condition, riding style, or equipment. As cyclists, we must remember that our bodies and preferences evolve, and our bikes should adapt accordingly.

So, while aero is indeed a vital aspect of cycling, it's crucial to maintain a balanced perspective and prioritize bike fit and positioning. Embrace the wind-cheating benefits of aerodynamics, but don't forget the importance of comfort and efficiency in your cycling journey. #bikefit #comfort #efficiency
Completely agree on the importance of bike fit and positioning. It's not just about speed, but also about reducing the risk of injuries. Have you considered the role of flexibility and mobility in bike fit? A flexible rider can maintain a more aerodynamic position for longer periods, enhancing overall performance. #bikefit #flexibility #mobility #cyclingperformance