Unicycle Insanity or Psychosis

Maybe the reason your obsession is so strong is because you started when
you were all growed up. I know a lot of people start unicycling when
they're 30-40ish. My dad did, which started my brother and I.

Don't let it get between you and your family though. You may have
started a little later in life, but you still got plenty of time to Uni.

BoojiBoy - Punk Rock Rider

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wheelie_big_wheel wrote:
> *In all truthfulness, after trying loads of antidepressents and not
> liking any of them, I have to be honest in saying that riding the
> unicycle has had a profound effect on me. Just 20 minutes on the
> unicycle is bettzer than any prozac (or any of the other numerous
> anti-depressants I've had througgh the last decade). *

It's great that unicycling has worked for you. I think one of the key
factors there is endorphins. You can get those from many activities, but
the combination of finding something you like that really motivates you,
and the fact that it's a physical activity requiring lots of energy
expendeture is what makes it a success. So you could have found many
other physical skills, but unicycling is nice because it forces both
your brain and body to work hard, and if you enjoy it the payoff is very
powerful. As long as unicycling remains fun and challenging for you,
hopefully it will keep your brain healthy as well.

> *You have all done me the fantastic favor of making me feel not so
> alone in this nutty fixation on unicycles.*

Yes, there are many other messed-up people out there. :)

I was once you. The difference was I was younger, and fortunately not
yet married (and no diagnosed depression). My obsession had less
negative effect on others. Over the years I have learned to deal with it
somewhat, but it still flares up from time to time. My wife reminds me
from time to time that I must achieve "balance." Hard to resist when she
puts it that way. Balance between unicycling and the rest of life.
Photography is in there too. I take lots of pictures, and then have to
spend more time dealing with them on the computer.

> *...and as I write this, my son is playing his X-Box (Halo, which I
> also like). Through my manic (and I guess comical way of telling this
> story) I left out the part about buying him his x-box a few days
> later. I honestly thought he would prefer the Torker.*

The X-box is much easier to master, but will never have the short and
long-term rewards one can get from unicycling (or any other real-world,
challenging physical activity). However you can't *make* someone
interested in unicycling. For the most part, people only learn if they
want to. If he's not that interested, he may never have fun with it,
which means it is not necessarily the best activity for him. Though it's
still better than too much X-box time.

> *Since I posted my story of uni-psychosis, I too saw how nutty (and
> selfish) this was, so I paid him the amount I paid for the Torker--he
> was really happy, but he still sulks at the thing-*

So you gave him a unicycle, then an X-box, then the cash value of the
unicycle? Hot damn! If you "bought" the unicycle back, you might
consider taking it back. He doesn't really like it now, and it has bad
connotations for him. Rather than having it hang in the garage for the
next few years, just let him know that if he ever wants to learn to
ride, you'll help him out. I think this might be a stronger motivator
than a unicycle that "waits" for him to work on it. Then it becomes
*his* decision to start riding, and he will feel more in control of the

> *I still think my daughter's boyfriend is a closet unicyclist--I can
> tell. But I'll try to shut my mouth. And my Boss--this is a Coker
> rider if there ever was one--he just doesn't know it yet...*

I can tell you're being humorous here, but in any case, leave those poor
guys alone. If they are truly interested, they will say something to
you. If you push it on other people, it generally doesn't have positive
results. You will find people out there who are also interested in
unicycles, but they'll come to you, or otherwise tell you they want to

> *I will vote for the one who will in some way improves the lot of us
> unicyclists.*

People could have worse methods of choosing their candidates, I suppose.
Unicycling is a leisure activity. For our "lot" to be improved, it is
necessary for us to be able to afford leisure time. Also, any steps that
can be taken in the area of liability and litigation would surely
benefit us unicyclists. So many places we aren't allowed to ride, and so
many facilities we can't get into because of
insurance/liability/litigation... As for me, I'm voting for the
candidate who is least likely to make our country an embarrassment to
the international community :)

johnfoss - Walkin' on the edge

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at "unicycling.com" -- www.unicycling.com

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johnfoss's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/832
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johnfoss wrote:
> *
> People could have worse methods of choosing their candidates, I
> suppose. Unicycling is a leisure activity. For our "lot" to be
> improved, it is necessary for us to be able to afford leisure time.
> Also, any steps that can be taken in the area of liability and
> litigation would surely benefit us unicyclists. So many places we
> aren't allowed to ride, and so many facilities we can't get into
> because of insurance/liability/litigation... As for me, I'm voting
> for the candidate who is least likely to make our country an
> embarrassment to the international community :) *

Kind of subjective don't you think John? What's more embarrassing? A
President who walks all over the world, or a President who lets the
world walk all over us?;)

bugman - Survivor 2004 Wolfman Duathalon

My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with
his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive
achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute.
Ayn Rand
bugman's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/3812
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Many people outside the US don't appreciate our arrogance. Like a
schoolyard bully who's got a good reason for being an a-hole, it still
doesn't make it easy to like him.

How about we get a prez who neither walks all over the world nor allows
the world to walk all over us?

digigal1 - You call this middle age??

Omni for Uni and Uni for Omni!
digigal1's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5848
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The Problem with unicycling that everybody,in the back of their
mind,thinks of clowns at the same time,and dont take it seriously.

bush wuold be more of a MUnier,he regulary rides a $3,000 mountain
B*ke,Kerry snowboards(onlyonce?)
nothing like unicycling,i cant see him riding a uni.

Get your son a unicycling game for his Xbox.

(I have names for my unis Too.)

forrestunifreak - Unicycle Rights Activist

Good things come to those who wait.

Great things come to those who get off their butt and go for it!!
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bugman wrote:
> *Kind of subjective don't you think John? What's more embarrassing?
> A President who walks all over the world, or a President who lets the
> world walk all over us?;) *

I didn't say which one I was talking about, did I? :cool:

However, one candidate already *has* walked all over the world. The
other does not have a track record of letting the world walk all over
us. Yet. Just to keep it straight.

I can't picture Bush or Kerry (or Nader) seriously trying to ride a
unicycle. Arnold Schwartzenegger maybe.

johnfoss - Walkin' on the edge

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at "unicycling.com" -- www.unicycling.com

"Read the rules!"
'IUF Rulebook' (http://www.unicycling.org/iuf/rulebook/)
'USA Rulebook' (http://www.unicycling.org/usa/competition/)
johnfoss's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/832
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I think the question we should really consider is not a president who
walks all over the world, but a president who unicycles all over the

Think of how excellent that would be, unicycling being so different from

I think this question deserves a poll-- not in a political sense, but in
a unicycling sense--frankly, which candidate is more likely to ride the

If you all don't mind, I would like to start a thread/poll on this very

As for our 2 candidates from the 2 major parties--I really do not prefer
one over the other until I can figure it out from the unicyclist's
perspective (my dear wife" is grumbling again). I have always agreed
with Plato's notion of the "Philosopher King" -- perhaps a "Philosopher
President" is what we really need.

No, what we really need is a "Philosopher Unicyclist who Just Happens to
Also be President."



HOOKED on a HOOKWORM--that's ME!
wheelie_big_wheel's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/7491
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Plato's notion of a philosopher king? Have you read Popper's views on
Plato? Or read Plato's Republic? Satirist or fascist? The first time
through, I read it as satire, the second as fascist.

Plato's idea is the benign dictator. Perhapsthis would be simpler to
achieve than a concerned, intelligent and enlightened electorate?
Dunno. In South Africa, after apartheid, people queued for miles to
vote; in the UK, after people died for the vote, we're lucky to get 30%
turnout at local elections, or 60% at general elections.

And unfortunately, people really do vote on issues as irrelevant as
whether the candidate unicycles. People will vote for a politician on
the basis of his perceived allegiance to a particular football club, his
hairstyle, or other irrelevancies.

History suggests the tallest candidate will win. It's that daft.

Personally, I think Bush would be the better unicyclist, because he
could steady himself by trailing his knuckles on the ground. :0)

Mikefule - Roland Hope School of Unicycling

Everyone should be fatuous for 15 minutes.
Mikefule's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/879
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> -Originally posted by johnglazer:-
> *Whenever I go anywhere, even if I have taken that same route hundreds
> of times, in a car, on a uni, walking, or whatever, I am always
> scanning the area, thinking "hey, that would be pretty cool to uni on"
> or "that would be cool to uni on if...."*

I do this all the time, and usually I'm with people, and I'll either
start saying something or they'll ask me why I'm obsessing over some
ledge or stair set and then I'll have to start explaining why. I think
this is the result of my burning passion for unicycling bottled up
inside since I haven't ridden any trials or street, for more then just
an odd day here and there, for many months. Well, hopefully I'll get
some riding, and some filming, in tomorrow.

Tell that kid of your's to ride his unicycle or you'll sell the X-Box.
Unicycles are a privilege, not a right.

zach_jucha - Jasmaster Majeor Definat

-Don't ask me why I said it, because I already forgot.-

- Homestar

-I think I see way more penises then I should.-

- Dan Heaton
zach_jucha's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4072
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wheelie_big_wheel wrote:
> *It is amazing how similar my experiences are. I can probably
> duplicate 85% of what you have written including buing uni for my lady
> friend (She was kind enough to attempt to ride it.Ha!)
> My kids are grown up but I am sure my son would do what your did if he
> wanted some (idiotic for me)X box.At that time I did buy him uni(he
> was 10 y. old) , in prediction of may belated passion.
> My son mustered it not giving it second thought. 16 years later when I
> bought 36"(which I did not muster) he freemounted it and went into
> busy round about .In the mean time he dit not touch the mashine for 15
> years.For him it was not a challange in any form for me lasting
> obsessional passion which I am bringing
> slowly to some balance, probably because of the dictates of age.
> Ha! Unicyclists are equal.....but some....are....more equal! Some
> excentricity is, may be, unconfortable, at times..... but it birngs
> variety into living.Keep bum on the sit. All the best. Uniwitold. Your
> quote is below. My writing above....technicalities.......
> " I don't know any other unicyclists. So my question for all
> you other one-wheel riders out there is, am I alone in my unicycle
> obsession? Am I insane? Or do you (whoever you are) have similar
> enough experiences to think that these eccentric qualities come with
> the territory of discovering the joys of unicycling."
> --Ted T.S. (wheelie_big_wheel) *

:D :D :D


Veni !Vidi !Mount ! ' Public does not perceive it reacts'. Greg
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