US Bike Film Fest: Last minute reminder


New Member
Apr 11, 2003
From the US of A. Are you both a budding movie director *and* cyclist? Do you have a undiscovered cycling masterpiece lurking in the digicam? You've seen BMX Bandits, Overcoming and Quicksilver, and reckon something you've done is so much better? Want an international audience and massive street cred? Then contact Brendt without delay! :D


Hi All,

The Submission deadline has been extended to February 28th.

This year is going to be amazing. We are expanding to over 10 cities. There is a big buzz about bike culture and the Bicycle Film Festival. We are starting off in New York our base May 10-14. Come out and enjoy the Bike Film Fest with the thousands who come from around the world. If you get a chance check out last years photos. We had a lot of fun. Maybe you know someone in the pictures.

Take Care

Brendt Barbur
Founding Director
Bicycle Film Festival
New York