vertical float on Time pedals?


New Member
Dec 23, 2003
I have a pair of '04 Time Impact pedals, the bottom line ones which I don't believe have a vertical float control. Anyways, my right pedal when pedalling at a higher cadence it seems that my vertical float is too much, almost like my cleat is either lifting off the sole of my shoe, I only feel it on the forward down motion. Is there a way to fix this? I had a pair of Look pedals and they didn't have this issue but Time pedals got such good reviews I figured I'd give them a shot.
DRLski wrote:

> I have a pair of '04 Time Impact pedals, the bottom line ones which I
> don't believe have a vertical float control. Anyways, my right pedal
> when pedalling at a higher cadence it seems that my vertical float is
> too much, almost like my cleat is either lifting off the sole of my
> shoe, I only feel it on the forward down motion. Is there a way to fix
> this? I had a pair of Look pedals and they didn't have this issue but
> Time pedals got such good reviews I figured I'd give them a shot.

I don't think they have vertical float - what would be the point? They
have rotational and horizontal float.