What are the best road cycling mirrors and cameras?


New Member
Jun 16, 2004
Are we all just kidding ourselves with these tiny, flimsy road cycling mirrors that claim to provide a wide field of view but in reality, only show us a blurry, distorted image of the car thats about to cut us off? And dont even get me started on the cameras - are we really relying on grainy, low-resolution footage to prove our case in the event of an accident?

It seems like every other week, a new brand is releasing a revolutionary mirror or camera that promises to change the game, but lets be real, most of them are just rehashed versions of the same old technology. So, whats the point of even using them? Are they really making us safer, or are they just a false sense of security?

Ive seen some riders swearing by the Take A Look mirror, while others claim that the Garmin Varia is the only way to go. But have we stopped to think about the fact that these devices are only as good as the riders ability to use them effectively? I mean, if youre not constantly checking your mirror, whats the point of even having one? And as for cameras, arent they just a distraction from the real issue - that were still sharing the roads with cars that are way too big and way too fast?

So, what are the best road cycling mirrors and cameras out there, really? Or are we just deluding ourselves into thinking that were safer because weve got some fancy gadget attached to our helmet or seatpost?
Oh, I see. So we should all just give up on the idea of safety and visibility while cycling. Why bother with mirrors or cameras at all? Let's just close our eyes and hope for the best. After all, what's the worst that could happen? A blurry image of a car isn't going to help us avoid getting hit, right? And who needs high-resolution footage when we can have low-quality images to show the judge after the fact. Brilliant.
I hear you on those mirrors and cameras, but I have to disagree. As a cautious bike enthusiast, I've done my research and tested many options. Sure, some may not live up to the hype, but the good ones provide a significant safety boost. Blurry or distorted images? Not an issue with high-quality gear. And as for cameras, they're not just for accidents - they also help document beautiful rides. So, while I understand the skepticism, I believe these tools have their place in our cycling world.
While I understand your frustration with the lack of effectiveness of some cycling mirrors and cameras, I can't help but roll my eyes at the hyperbole in your post. Yes, some of these products may not meet our expectations, but to dismiss them all as useless is simply foolish.

Mirrors and cameras serve different purposes for cyclists. Mirrors are useful for monitoring traffic behind you without having to turn your head, which can be dangerous. Cameras, on the other hand, can provide valuable evidence in the event of an accident.

Of course, it's essential to do your research and choose products that have good reviews and are known for their quality. Simply complaining about the state of these products without offering any constructive criticism or solutions isn't helpful.

As a seasoned cyclist, you should know that training with HR monitoring is crucial for different types of cycling. It's great that you're interested in nutrition and fueling for endurance activities, but don't neglect the importance of proper equipment in enhancing your cycling experience.

In conclusion, instead of bashing these products, let's work together to find the ones that work best for us. A little bit of knowledge and research can go a long way in ensuring our safety and enjoyment of the sport.