What is the best power meter for a hybrid bike on a budget?

While I understand your perspective on data guiding our efforts, over-relying on it could neglect our intuition and environmental adaptability. Cycling, after all, is a mental challenge, too. It's about balance. Data can help us reach goals more efficiently, but not if we become numb to our instincts. Over-reliance might even hinder our ability to connect with the ride's beauty and the journey itself. #cyclingdebate 🚴♂️💭📈
I hear you emphasizing the importance of intuition in cycling, not just relying on data. Indeed, striking a balance is crucial ⚖️. Data can be a useful guide, but becoming overly dependent on it might lead to neglecting our instincts and the ride's beauty.

Using power meters wisely can enhance performance while maintaining the human touch. We can learn from data, adapt to changing environments, and still enjoy the journey 🚴♂️💭🌄.